Once in the air the Swedish TV there was an amazing event.
One man told me, because of what his guilty conscience: "When I was little, my friend and I decided to start a hamster on a parachute from the balcony of a high-rise building. We fashioned cart, parachute, put a hamster in a basket and let him go. But the unexpected happened. A gust of wind picked up and took our parachute somewhere far away. I still can not forget about it. How could I do that? »
Suddenly, in the studio phone rang. The caller said: "It happened in a certain year," The man replied in the affirmative. "In the summer, when there was a holiday in Stockholm?" - "Yes, yes, yes," - hurried man. "I know what happened to your hamster." "What became of him?" - He could not believe his ears astonished studio guest
. "My daughter has long asked my hamster, - continued the woman. - I said to her one day: do not even ask. We hamster will only appear if God himself will give it to you. " Girl child-raising her hands to the sky and said: "Dad, God, give me a hamster!" - And then we went to the city on holiday. Suddenly my daughter says, "Mom, I think, God answered prayer! Look! »
And from the sky on a parachute in her hands dropped a hamster in a basket.