This is why our body shudders sometimes dramatically, when we went to sleep only!
Sometimes, when we go to sleep sweetly, our body suddenly startled, and we wake up. Have you ever wondered why this happens? It seems that you are asleep, it took 5-10 minutes, when you wake up, and this is not due to poor sleep!
< It happens quite often, but the real reason for this is very curious ... Surely this was you, and more than once.
Do not worry, because this happens with most people.
< This phenomenon is called hypnagogic twitching.
It is difficult to explain clearly, because scientists are still trying to figure out the details of the end, why this is happening.
< Most often this happens when a person is really very tired or exhausted and falls asleep very quickly.
During sleep, the body slows down vital parameters (respiration, heart rate), and the blood pressure starts to fall and is still at a lower level throughout sleep.
< So what happens when we fall asleep very quickly ?
The body does not have time to prepare for a rapid change in the parameters, and therefore confuses the sharp fall in vital signs ... with "death».
< Yes, internal centers of the brain perceive what is happening as if the organism dies. Due the sharp decline in vital signs brain starts to think that such a sudden change occurred due to the failure of the work of the authority.
But in fact it is not so.
As a result, the brain sends a signal, because of which are released into the blood stream, some chemicals and hormones, which cause us to wake up abruptly, and even unconsciously twitch.
< hypnagogic twitching may also occur for other reasons. < /
For example, due to a bad dream in which a person falls somewhere or meet with any danger.
< hypnagogic twitching often occurs when lack of sleep, stress or chronic sleep deprivation.
Although this phenomenon is not anything dangerous, it may indicate that it is time to reflect on their daily routine.
: Marketium.ru
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< It happens quite often, but the real reason for this is very curious ... Surely this was you, and more than once.

Do not worry, because this happens with most people.
< This phenomenon is called hypnagogic twitching.

It is difficult to explain clearly, because scientists are still trying to figure out the details of the end, why this is happening.
< Most often this happens when a person is really very tired or exhausted and falls asleep very quickly.

During sleep, the body slows down vital parameters (respiration, heart rate), and the blood pressure starts to fall and is still at a lower level throughout sleep.
< So what happens when we fall asleep very quickly ?

The body does not have time to prepare for a rapid change in the parameters, and therefore confuses the sharp fall in vital signs ... with "death».
< Yes, internal centers of the brain perceive what is happening as if the organism dies. Due the sharp decline in vital signs brain starts to think that such a sudden change occurred due to the failure of the work of the authority.
But in fact it is not so.

As a result, the brain sends a signal, because of which are released into the blood stream, some chemicals and hormones, which cause us to wake up abruptly, and even unconsciously twitch.
< hypnagogic twitching may also occur for other reasons. < /

For example, due to a bad dream in which a person falls somewhere or meet with any danger.
< hypnagogic twitching often occurs when lack of sleep, stress or chronic sleep deprivation.

Although this phenomenon is not anything dangerous, it may indicate that it is time to reflect on their daily routine.
: Marketium.ru
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