stories raw foodists

1. I'm a mother and grandmother three times. And she is already more than a year and a vegan raw food diet aspire to. So many ills gone, it's almost impossible to list, 20 kg less, fly, do not have high blood pressure, the heart does not ache, stomach problems went away, foot fungus, etc. etc. On the contrary, I have a family of children campaigning on vegetarianism, veganism, gradually begin to listen to my opinion, because the example is very important. Without the pills for over a year, and the children just a pile of pills at home, coughing, runny nose, and everything else ... And I have a cough passed, which suffered more than a year, a cold during the winter has never been. It is fortunate that I woke up !!! That and all I wish.)) Yes, I'm 58 years old.
Faith Zhogina
2. I'm not a fan of raw food, but getting rid of the disease, do not want to return to it. That's my mom, she was 62 years old, to follow my example, although in the morning eating fruit, cooked food for lunch, and for dinner vegetables - lowered diabetes with 14ed. 5, 8ed., for 6 months, and is now living without pills. Although diabetes is also considered to be incurable. Well, not a fact right? Before that, I ate the meat with the meat, and tell me someone that I would be raw foodists, I would have laughed in his face. He did not believe, and when I started, but somehow, somewhere in a month, when the first three sores are gone. What is the medicine for a month cure hypertension and chronic sinusitis in 15-20 days?
Rustam Ismailov
3. Valentine (right), 44 years old, syroezhu since 2005, the last three years without disruption, in the photo -. With her daughter)) Valentine Sergina