To preserve youth, femininity, attractiveness and good spirits, not necessarily to drink "chemistry". Our nature is extremely rich in plants and herbs, which is popularly referred to as "female". They even help women and girls to solve health problems and to remove various ailments better than expensive pills.
cuff Pour a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of chopped herbs cuff, infuse, strain. Drink this tea without restrictions at the climacteric neurosis, dizziness, hot flashes, painful menstruation. Brew grass better in a thermos.
TEA raspberry or blackberry leaf
Pour a glass of water a teaspoon of dried and powdered raspberry leaves, bring to a boil, then infuse for about 20 minutes to drink tea with honey or berries, mashed with sugar. Herbal teas are made from leaves of blackberry and raspberry helps to preserve youth and beauty, women's health, improve mood, chase away toxins, have the ability to regulate hormone levels and blood sugar.
This tea for ladies between the ages, often have a bad mood. Tea helps to improve it and relieves depression. For the tea needed chamomile flowers, hawthorn and St. John's wort, taken in equal parts. Pour a glass of boiling water one teaspoon spoon of collection, to insist 20 minutes, drain. Tea should be drunk, savoring, very slowly, in small sips.
Treats neuroses, irritability, loss of appetite, useful in the conflicts in school and at home, no matter progress.
You will need: dandelion root, lemon balm and nettle deaf (motherwort).
Lightly roasted root grind in a coffee grinder, grind herbs. One teaspoon of herb collection to fill a thermos cup of boiling water and insist 2-3 hours, take a few cups a day, without fail - for the night. Recovery course - not less than 3 weeks, while black tea drinking is not
STRAWBERRY The benefits of this tea is known even in the Polish Ministry of Health in the pre-war and post-war years. After the war, to restore the health of the nation, the dried leaves of strawberries added by default to all the teas that are sold in the shops of the country. Tea made from the leaves of wild strawberry restores hormonal balance, especially in women, bringing the joy of life. It can be brewed, both individually and with other herbs and teas at the rate of 1 teaspoon dried crushed leaves per cup of boiling water. Infuse in a thermos or better to wrap a towel.
Tea made from the leaves of mint soothes and restores the nervous system, treat heartburn, indigestion, or eliminates the effects of poor digestion, and breath, clears the mind, gives a quiet sound sleep, relieves stress and harmonizes the overall condition. 1 bag of mint tea or 1 teaspoon of dried leaves make a glass of boiling water. Drink it can be with honey and slice of lemon.
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