How to grow on a windowsill RADISH

Select early maturing varieties of radish. You will be able to harvest 20 days after emergence. Such a variety of radish is resistant to drought and adapt to poor lighting conditions. You can choose from the following varieties: Dawn, Quarta, Carmen, White Fang, French breakfast, Heat, Early Red
. Decide on a place where you will grow radishes. In winter, choose a window on the south side, in the summer and late spring - loggia. Since daylight in radish is about 10 hours, in the summer you have to cover it in the evenings. The best months for planting - March and April
. As the soil take seedling mix for tomatoes and cucumbers. The soil can be made independently, collecting previously with autumn forest land, vegetable garden soil, humus and sand. Before planting sift soil and dispose of all large particles. Be careful with the ground, which will prepare yourself, it can be contaminated with germs, so it prodezinfitsiruete. The soil is best to hover. Refrain from nitrogen fertilizers, in order not to grow the product with nitrates.
Choose containers for radish. These holes should be on the bottom so that the water came out freely. The optimum size of a single cell - 5h5h5 cm box size -. 60x60 cm
. Select the largest brown seeds and soak them in warm water for 20 minutes. Add potassium permanganate in water to disinfect the seeds. Put the container to the bottom of each drainage. Top sprinkle the soil, leaving about 8 cm to the top of the container. Perhaps in the future you will have to fill up the soil.
Make a well in the ground 10-15 mm deep holes. Lay one seed in each hole and lightly sprinkle the ground. Pour warm water and close the plastic wrap until the first sprouts. Maintain a temperature of 18-20 degrees.
After 3-5 days the first shoots appear, the film can be removed. Spend a kind of tempering for radish. Hold sprouts 1-2 days at a temperature of 10 degrees, and then return to a warm place. Periodically rotate the containers, the plants grow symmetrically. Pour radishes every day. Do not forget to spud and loose earth.