LIFE WITHOUT VACCINATION: An Interview with a pediatrician and mother of many children

Interview with a pediatrician, Olga Kaliteevskii, St. Petersburg:
- Olga I., could you tell our readers how you, the pediatrician, have formed these views, when you realize that you will not vaccinate your children
? - I am very easy to answer your question. When I was 2 weeks old, my mom district pediatrician advised to refrain from vaccination. This advice and fulfilled my mother about my younger sister.
None of us this has never regretted.
This state of affairs since my childhood I considered normal and never seriously thought as long as I was not there own children. By the time I graduated from Pediatric Institute. I must say that at the department of infectious diseases, we crammed vaccination calendar, passed kinds vaccination complications, but a serious argument in favor of it as a method of vaccination to combat epidemics, not sound. I not met me and solid literature on this topic and an impressive statistic.
With the birth of first child I had to decide if I would vaccinate their children. I hesitated. At that moment something happened that undermined all my doubts - a terrible tragedy in the family of our close friends. The first and only grandson, my mother's friend, the darling, handsome, and a favorite of umnichka three years old fell ill with acute leukemia. Communication with vaccination against measles has been evident for physicians and for families: after the ill-fated child vaccination was not well a day. The next three years of his life Igorek suffered painful and agonizing procedures - taking cerebrospinal fluid, bone marrow ... drip ... complications droppers ... He became thick and clumsy from the hormonal drugs, fearful and capricious ... He died in 6 years. Unbaptized.
It is terrible to say, but it's true: His last words were curses against doctors. Need I tell you how I, a graduate of the Institute of Pediatric and young mother at the same time, experienced this story. I understand that to have been ill with measles - is not dangerous either for life or for future health. Since then, I am very attentive to the subject of vaccination, studied literature, questioned the old doctor mused. Suitable theoretical training - 5 course doing scientific work on immunity, evenings sitting out in the laboratory in a sticky immunohematology - Institute for blood transfusion
. - Yes, a terrible story ... And what do you advise your patients, with such experience
? -So Far lasted internship advise not necessary. Studied work, teaching profession. Do not believe it, but it came to the department of leukemia. Itself took such patients in the waiting room, questioned mothers still remember them all. Meditate. Compares the date. Convinced of the undeniable connection with the vaccination. Professor Igor Vorontsov, lecture us, too, he pointed out in his monograph on the relationship of leukemia vaccination. Experience firsthand evidence of this.
In the next cycle of the internship I took the theme for docking fret - sudden death syndrome. I could not take any mind or heart, that this could happen - a healthy, strong baby dies suddenly in his bed. Studied, I was sitting in the "publichke". I do not get to the cause. So and reports - Statistics, the results of post-mortem tests, scientists conjecture. I learned recently: since then, both in Japan have canceled all vaccinations for children up to two years, there have been no cases of sudden infant death syndrome
. Another impression of the first year of hospital practices. One of our interns come to work one morning, dark clouds - the night was taken to "soon" own three-month baby with a diagnosis of "encephalitis" (inflammation of the brain), after half a day after DPT vaccination. Thrashing we received on the day of our head, I'm sure, has not forgotten one of our group. I will not call this remarkable woman, in my opinion, she is now head of the department, the more I will not repeat the epithets with which it us, green, unable to think, rewarded. But the lesson I bow low to her.
- You just refute the myth of everyday use - say, all the doctors in favor of vaccination. Are there many such among physicians who share your views?
- Of course. Many pediatricians, especially oncologists, hematologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists - that is, those that deal with serious illnesses in children - are strongly opposed to the immune system overload, consider each vaccination great risk to health. Many doctors have come to such a point of view, with years of experience.
- Please tell us about yourself. As you yourself have lived without vaccination than hurt? How transferred childhood infections?
- Not one child had been ill or infectious disease, even chickenpox. Sister too. We went to kindergarten, went to mass two-shift school, we went to summer camp. With the first-year medical school all the classes were held in hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. - Lack of contacts has never been
. My unvaccinated children - the eldest is already 22 - moved chickenpox, sick to be honest, with the temperature, as it should be. A pertussis hurt three of the younger back then were not born. Not complain, it hurts not heavy, even a two-year toddler.
If the immune system does not spoil from the outset, it is even possible to count.
- Did you meet in your practice unvaccinated children other than their own? As a pediatrician, how do you assess their health as they carry infectious diseases?
- Unvaccinated children a lot, much more than is considered, then it is impossible to believe statistics. "Infections controlled vaccination" - naive prattle desk infectious diseases. "Vaccinating 100% of the population - and erase the face of the Earth the next plague!" - Whether these slogans believe their authors, I do not know. I would, of course, not against happiness to humanity, to save the planet from the worst bacilli. But if it is necessary to sacrifice the health of their own children - I'm sorry, the hand does not rise. I can not.
I personally, as a pediatrician, I observe many unvaccinated children. They - my joy, and hope. Among these children there are chronically sick, they rarely seek health problems, often refer to the pool or to the question of what to take with a cold or something to treat the wound. Of all childhood infections they carry no more than two - three, and none of the complications I have not met
. Unfortunately, more often we get to see a different picture: a child is chronically ill, irritable, his diverse manifestations of allergies, frequent colds, adenoids, digestive disorders, night terrors, reduced attention - you name it, and it goes on and on to inculcate "the calendar ". The child - not a tin soldier. One immune withstand load and the other breaks. After all, in school, in sports, and in the treatment, and nutrition - in all areas of children are differentiated: this - in weightlifting, this - on the violin, and this - can not be in the bath. And only one vaccination for all. Absurd!
This is a problem of our nation. In developed countries, I do not know firsthand, there is no vaccination with live vaccines, immunity examination is conducted before the vaccine, and in the schools do not require medical records, including information on immunizations. I stress again: the school and the kindergarten take the child without asking any medical records! If a child there are some health restrictions, parents are informed about it.
What would you say to parents who can not overcome their fear of the mumps, measles, etc.?
- Stay! Have mercy on the child! And their fears are treating neurologist ...
Source: duhpage.sed.lg.ua/Health/Privivki/09.htm
I have to make a small clarification about the vaccination and relationship to it in the West. I have lived in England for 25 years and I was born here 3rd kids. 1-I fully vaccinated, 2nd part and deliberate delay in timing, and 3rd without vaccination. Also, the past few years, I vividly interested in this problem, because it is closely related to my main activity Medical researcher and oncologist, naturopath. In England and America (and probably in Europe) - the number of live vaccines is growing. Today, the most well-known live vaccines - is the MMR (mumps, measles, rubella), which is made upon reaching 1 year. Also alive are "nasal influenza vaccine", "oral rotavirus" and chickenpox (chicken pox).
Attitude to vaccines are very strict. Nevaktsinirovanie your child can draw the attention of the social services, which are almost always aggravate the situation, and it can be resolved then either your consent to vaccination, or by taking the child. This does not happen in every case of failure of the parents, but quite often in order to give parents felt The themselves are not comfortable. These children are also much more difficult to arrange in kindergarten or school. If you insist on rights and to demand without receiving the vaccine, the likelihood that you 'nastuchat "social services will increase significantly. Certain professions and institutions also require mass vaccination. When I worked in a private clinic, from me demanded seasonal vaccination against influenza and proof of complete immunization at the time. I worked there for 3 years and have not been vaccinated only because fooling the human resources department that I was supposedly vaccinated against just recently and is about to bring all records in Russia.
Vaccinated over all military, police and firefighters, as well as many civil servants.
In general, my observation over the years - is the fact that in Russia the situation with vaccination, though not easy, but still more free than in the West. Also, the percentage of parents who do not vaccinate their children, in my experience, are higher in Russia than in the West.
As for the rest, I fully agree with the author, whose opinion should definitely listen to each parent in the first place because she is a doctor and has both sufficient knowledge and experience about the harm vaccinations.
Boris Grinblat, MedAlternativa.info
All parents who have not completely figured out how the situation with vaccination, it is strongly recommended to read the book "Vaccinations questions and answers for parents who think"