Everything in nature seeks balance
Everything in nature tends towards equilibrium. Atmospheric pressure drop leveled by the wind. The difference in temperature is compensated by heat exchange. Everywhere, wherever there was any excess capacity of energy, there are equilibrium forces to address the imbalance.
The whole world can be represented as pendulums that swing, fade and interact with each other. Each pendulum takes tremors from its neighbors and sends them to your own. One of the basic laws that govern the whole of this complex system is the law of equilibrium.
You yourself are also a kind of pendulum. If you see fit to break the balance and sharp swing in any direction, you will touch the neighboring pendulums and thereby create around themselves indignation, which then will turn against you.
The balance can be disturbed not only actions but also thoughts. And not just because of the thoughts follow the action. As you know, thoughts radiate energy. In the material world everything is implementing under an energy basis. And everything that happens on the invisible energy level, reflected in the behavior of visible material objects.
On the energy level, all material objects have the same value. This we endow them with certain qualities: good - bad, cheerful - sad, attractive - repulsive, good - evil, simple - complex, and so on. Everything in this world is subject to our estimates.
If there is excess energy potential, having the equilibrium of force, aimed at its elimination.
Excess capacity will only appear if the assessment is of great importance.
The magnitude of the potential increases, if the assessment, which is of great importance in this case more strongly distorts reality. Generally, if the subject is of great importance, we can not objectively evaluate the quality of it for us.
When you have too much you want to get anything, so that they are ready to put everything on the map, you create a huge excess capacity, violates the balance. Equilibrium forces will throw you on the line of life, where the object of your desire is not in sight.
The higher the importance of the event for you, the more likely failure. If you attaches great importance to the fact that he has and cherishes it, then most likely the equilibrium of force is taken away from you. If what you want to get too much for you mean, then most likely you will not get it. It is necessary to lower the bar value, importance.