The SECRET of charismatic personalities
What is the secret of charismatic personalities?
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Charm is the mutual love of soul and mind. Charming personality is in a state of holiday spirit, enjoying life bathed in his love, without a touch of narcissism. Here is a sense of celebration and feel the surrounding.
Such people are very few, but you can become one of them. It is necessary to turn to his soul, to love themselves and to enter the path to Your goal. It does not change personality, but even the body will become attractive bole, the face is cute and her smile charming. The secret of attraction is to unity of mind and soul. When a person is happy with himself, likes himself, he likes, then from him comes the inner light — he lives in accordance with his credo. This is exactly what's missing people, so they are drawn to such a personality like moths to a light. On the energetic plane charm is manifested as a net radiation of the unity of soul and mind. Training its energy, you develop an extraordinary ability to influence people and arouse their sympathy. A person with excess free energy creates the interest and the favor of others. If you cannot love yourself unconditionally, do some energy exercises, arguing with this thought: "I am filled with energy over the edge. My energy increases. I have a powerful energy, and every day more and more powerful. I glow with the energy of love and charm. I am pure energy spring. People feel my energy and feel a liking to me."
When you see that people are really inspired to you liking, do not forget about yourself to admit that the technique actually works. Such a statement is necessary to reason, because he's always doubt: am I capable of? published ©Vadim Zeland "Transerfing of reality" is Also interesting: Vadim Zeland: the Man gets what waits for Vadim Zeland: Not "my tongue — my enemy", and the thoughts are my enemies PS And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.transurfing-real.ru/2016/11/blog-post_711.html
They've put negative slides and put positive.
Charm is the mutual love of soul and mind. Charming personality is in a state of holiday spirit, enjoying life bathed in his love, without a touch of narcissism. Here is a sense of celebration and feel the surrounding.

Such people are very few, but you can become one of them. It is necessary to turn to his soul, to love themselves and to enter the path to Your goal. It does not change personality, but even the body will become attractive bole, the face is cute and her smile charming. The secret of attraction is to unity of mind and soul. When a person is happy with himself, likes himself, he likes, then from him comes the inner light — he lives in accordance with his credo. This is exactly what's missing people, so they are drawn to such a personality like moths to a light. On the energetic plane charm is manifested as a net radiation of the unity of soul and mind. Training its energy, you develop an extraordinary ability to influence people and arouse their sympathy. A person with excess free energy creates the interest and the favor of others. If you cannot love yourself unconditionally, do some energy exercises, arguing with this thought: "I am filled with energy over the edge. My energy increases. I have a powerful energy, and every day more and more powerful. I glow with the energy of love and charm. I am pure energy spring. People feel my energy and feel a liking to me."

When you see that people are really inspired to you liking, do not forget about yourself to admit that the technique actually works. Such a statement is necessary to reason, because he's always doubt: am I capable of? published ©Vadim Zeland "Transerfing of reality" is Also interesting: Vadim Zeland: the Man gets what waits for Vadim Zeland: Not "my tongue — my enemy", and the thoughts are my enemies PS And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.transurfing-real.ru/2016/11/blog-post_711.html
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