"Zielonka" of herbal powders

If you do not have fresh herbs - no problem! It can be replaced by herbal powders. You can use any dried herbs that you have stored in summer: goutweed, dandelion, plantain, birch leaves, ash, linden, hazel. You can harvest the leaves of strawberries (which you can still cut after fruiting) raspberry - while cutting woody shoots.

✅Suhuyu greens need to further dry and mince, and then - through the grinder. A fine powder of green. To select the correct dosage should be remembered that when dried herb and leaf weight is reduced by 8-10 times. Therefore, 100 g of crude green correspond roughly 1 tablespoon riding with herbal powder.

A tablespoon of powder pour into a blender, filled with bananas and raisins. Only here will need more water glasses, because the powder will take a lot of moisture.

✅Takie mixture can be prepared instead of herbal teas.
"Zelenka" from a sheet of dandelion cleanses the liver from plantain leaf - increases gastric acidity and speeds up digestion, from birch leaves - is a diuretic and antiseptic

. ✅ «Zelenka" has important advantages over the teas:
✔Vo First, it is not necessary to boil greens, or to insist in hot water, and thereby destroy the nutrients.
✔ Secondly, the dish immediately ready for use.
✔V Third, in your gut gets a sufficient amount of cellulose (fiber), which favorably affects the intestinal peristalsis and helps develop friendly microflora.

Source: "Life Cookbook" AS Gladkov