Use cilantro

Asia is considered to be the birthplace of the most famous and popular spices. Ginger, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and turmeric - spices, each of these has its own special flavor, able to give the dish a unique flavor
. One of the most respected Asian spices is considered to be a fragrant herb cilantro, or as it is called, coriander.
Cilantro - is not only an excellent seasoning for food, but also a very useful plant health. Not for nothing did originally eastern healers used exclusively coriander as a medicine. I wonder what are the healing properties of this herb cilantro and what the benefits for men?
The unique composition of coriander
The chemical composition of this herb is rightly called unique, because it contains all vital to human vitamins: beta-carotene (provitamin A), niacin (vitamin PP), riboflavin, folic acid. Particularly rich in this product is vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system is excellent, has a powerful antioxidant action and prevent seasonal diseases. And the presence of vitamin K significantly strengthens bones, which is especially useful for young people and people aged. If we consider the presence of minerals in the coriander, this grass is a real storehouse of potassium and calcium. In addition, it contains phosphorus, sodium and magnesium.
Use cilantro
First of all, coriander has a beneficial effect on heart function, strengthen the body and preventing arrhythmia and angina pectoris. In addition, this herb has antiseptic, choleretic and analgesic properties, making it useful to use for gastritis, ulcers and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract (decreased intestinal motility, decreased appetite).
Due to high content of oil, coriander largely helps in the absorption of heavy food (especially root vegetables and starches), promotes early digestion of food and removes toxins from the body.
With regard to the use of cilantro for men, it is still the Chinese two thousand years ago began to use this tool to increase potency in men. This is true, because a part of this spice contains a natural analogue of testosterone - a hormone androsterone. Today, many experts advise men to eat food with cilantro to the stimulation of the activity, as well as to deal with prostatitis. In addition, chewing beans cilantro beats the smell of spirits and prevent intoxication process.
It should also be said that coriander is useful to all persons, regardless of age. Due to the beta-carotene, this spice helps preserve visual acuity. Drinking coriander become an excellent prevention of keratitis and glaucoma. In addition, this product is recommended for use for people with diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis). And elderly persons such spice helps prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease.