A few rules of combination products in the raw food diet:
1. Do not mix fatty and sugary foods
This rule is the most important. The combination of proteins or fats and sugar is fermented in the stomach. Examples of combinations of fat and sugar: dates - with nuts, dried fruit - avocado, avocado - with sweet fruit, fruit salad - with coconut
. In some cases, a combination of fruit acid is allowed (e.g., orange) fat (nuts, avocado). The idea is that the acidity of these fruits helps to digest fats and sugars they contain little.
2. Do not mix acid and starchy foods
Acid stops the process of starch digestion in the mouth or very difficult it (sometimes with painful symptoms).
Examples of such a combination: tomatoes - potatoes, classic sandwich - with tomato, bananas - oranges. Oranges - sour, and bananas, even ripe, contain starch. Bananas are best combined with a less acidic fruit - sweet apples, mango etc.
.. 3. Do not mix different types of fatty foods at once
Fatty foods difficult to digest. When one meal together different kinds of fats, digestion slows down considerably. Examples of such combinations are: nuts - with avocado, nuts - with vegetable oil, coconut - with avocado, coconut - with nuts
. 4. The greens can be combined with other products.
5. Sweet fruit combined with sweet fruits and berries, sour - sour with fruit and berries
. 6. Vegetables should be combined with vegetables only.
7. Germinated grains should be eaten separately from other products. The same applies to the germinated legume.
8. soaked for a few hours (animated) nuts should be eaten separately from other products.