Stand raw foodists
If there is a desire and intention, then anyone can go on a raw food diet without problems. Similarly, everyone can stop drinking, smoking, give up meat, start to play sports. But most of it is simply not necessary, and it's so good! You will not go on a raw food diet, if you have a good reason for this. So, if you want to become raw foodists, the answer yourself the question - "Why do I need it?"
The reasons for all can be different:
✔Uluchshit their health. To recover from a serious illness.
✔Menshe depend on the food!
✔Povysit quality of life and energy. Return the body to its original natural beauty.
✔Pozhilym turn back the clock - you can lose ten years -. Twenty
✔Izbavitsya of excess weight and gain a great figure.
✔Nadoelo cook.
How many people could be so much reasons!)) And you know the reason for it will be easier to move forward, it will motivate you!
Eugene Kichigin