* Pharmaceuticals
Statins - drugs that lower cholesterol, is widely touted as the best way to lower cholesterol and thereby prevent a heart attack. They are recommended for people who have a "high cholesterol" those who have heart disease and cardiovascular system, and even some healthy individuals as a form of preventive medicine.
Statins are among the most commonly prescribed drugs. For example, more than 1 in 4 Americans over 45 years of taking statins. This, the already significant figure, seriously increased due to the draft recommendations, which are designed in the United States, as preventive measures for specific target groups (USPSTF).
Why am I against the use of statins?
1. They do not work
There is evidence showing that the use of statins may result in worsening of cardiac health and their positive characteristics are shown only for statistical fraud, one report published in the expert opinion of the Clinical Pharmacology, came to the conclusion that the defenders of statins used statistical tool It called - a relative risk reduction, in order to enhance the beneficial effects of statins. If you look at the absolute risk, the statins are beneficial only 1% of the population. This means that out of 100 people who received the drug, one person will have less risk of heart attack. That does not sound so impressive, so supporters of statin use other statistical indicators of relative risk.
Just founding his claim on a statistical sleight of hand, statins suddenly become beneficial to 30-50% of the population. As explained by the lecturer of statistics at George Mason University:
"An important feature of the relative risk is that it tells you nothing about the real dangers".
2. Statins reduce the amount of Coenzyme Q10
Statins contribute to depletion of the body on the content of coenzyme Q10 (coenzyme Q10). Although it has been proposed to add such a warning in the instructions for statins, but the regulatory body in the United States - the FDA for the use of drugs, in 2014, decided not to publish this information.
Coenzyme Q10 is used for energy production in every cell of your body, and therefore it is vital for good health, high energy level, longevity and quality of life in general. Coenzyme Q10 or ubiquinol, is an essential component of cellular respiration and the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
ATP is used as a carrier of energy in every cell of your body. If we consider that your heart is the most energy demanding organ in your body, you can imagine how potentially devastating can be the heart to drain the body of the main cell energy source.
Therefore, while statins exert their claim for glory of the most powerful drugs for the prevention of heart disease, they actually increase your risk when deplete the body of coenzyme Q10. Reduced levels of coenzyme Q10 may increase the risk of acute heart failure. So if you are taking medicines based on statins should take coenzyme Q10 as an additive. And if you're over 40, it is best if you take ubiquinol instead of coenzyme Q10, because it is much better absorbed by your intestines.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a cardiologist and founder of the Heart Center in New England, recommends taking at least 100 milligrams (mg) of coenzyme Q10 daily.
3. Statins reduce the amount of vitamin K2
The new discovery was published in March 2015, and therefore is not widely known yet. This research work has been published in the journal "Expert Clinical Pharmacology" and showed that, in contrast to the current belief that lowering cholesterol with statins reduces atherosclerosis, actually, instead, stimulate the development of atherosclerosis and heart failure.
Vitamin K2 biological role is to help move calcium in the desired area of your body - in the bones and teeth. It also plays a role in the removal of calcium from the areas where it should not be, for example, in your arteries or soft tissues. According to a Dutch study data for 2009 Vitamin K2 is associated with decreased vascular calcification, even for a small admission through food.
5. Increased risk of other serious diseases.
If statins deplete the body content of coenzyme Q10, inhibit the synthesis of vitamin K2, they increase the risk for the occurrence of other serious diseases, which include: cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, cataracts
. How to protect your heart health.
You are looking for non-drug ways to improve health vaschego heart? Here are a few guidelines of Dr. Mercola (USA):
• Reduce the amount of light in the diet of carbohydrates and sugar. It is important to avoid gluten-containing cereals and sugars from the need to completely eliminate fructose.
• Eat a large portion of raw food.
• Make sure that you get a lot of high-quality animal fat-based omega-3, such as fish oil or krill oil. Studies have shown that 500 mg of fish oil per day can improve your total cholesterol and triglyceride levels and are likely to be encouraged to increase your HDL cholesterol.
• Replace harmful vegetable oils and synthetic trans fats with healthy fats such as olive oil, butter and coconut oil (remember olive oil should be used only cold, and use coconut oil - for cooking and baking)
• Turn on fermented foods in your daily diet. This will not only optimize the intestinal microflora, which will boost your immune system as a whole, but also to introduce beneficial bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract. Poor oral health is another powerful indicator of increased risk of heart disease.
• Optimize your levels of vitamin D, ideally - through sun exposure, as this will allow your body to create vitamin D, sulfate - another factor that can play a crucial role in preventing the formation of arterial plaque
. • Exercise regularly. Make sure you include in your high-intensity interval training exercises that are also able to optimize the production of human growth hormone (hgh).
• Stop smoking and drinking hard liquor.
• Organize your life in such a way to get a lot of quality and a good night's sleep.
Author Tatiana Fialkova