SUGAR about the dangers of simple language
It suppresses the production of growth hormone, which in turn makes us young, beautiful and slim.
Weeding, watering and spud tumors.
Failing eyesight.
It leads to hyperactivity of children (which is, therefore, they are not in school concentrate and bring deuce).
Worsens digestion of proteins in the body.
To contribute to a metabolic disorder, in effect, manifested as diabetes, completeness and other pleasures.
It reduces the body's immunity against bacterial (infectious) and viral diseases.
It leads to osteoporosis, facilitating the leaching of calcium from the body.
Modifies a strange way of DNA (ie, it is unclear in what direction we are mutating, but out of this list, it follows that in the wrong, that it is necessary).
It leads to a proliferation of fungal colonies in our bodies.