5 most harmful products, which you should try to avoid

Some products that are sold in stores, you can not eat at all, because they did not exist, because in any way we needed. They came because they were cheap to produce, and thus they create powerful buyers psychological attachment. < Website published a short list of products that are to the human body is almost a poison. Try to use them as little as possible.
1. Chocolate bars and various konfety

The daily rate of sugar, established by the World Health Organization is not more than 50 grams, which is equivalent to 10 teaspoons. At constant exceeds this amount, you risk getting diseases such as obesity, diabetes and dental problems.
It is important to remember that the bulk of our sugar intake - this is not a spoon, added to the tea, and the fact that manufacturers put in the most unexpected products, for example, yogurt, bread, sauces and many other. this is where lies the greatest danger of all purchased chocolate bars, because they already contain daily intake of sugar, but apart from that in the present composition of various stabilizers, flavor enhancers and preservatives.
If you consider yourself to be an incorrigible sweet tooth, replace such bars to dark chocolate and chewing marmalade and candy on dried fruits and honey.
2. Fried potatoes and potatoes fri

About harm fries purchased at any fast food restaurant already known by many. In addition to being used for its preparation of genetically modified potatoes with larger tubers, the highest number of complaints it is frying process. For frying taken low-quality oils, which are used repeatedly, and hence they form decomposition products of fats, which are carcinogenic.
But what is wrong with the home fries, beloved by many? Firstly, we should not forget that potatoes - is a starch, regular use of which is not the most favorable impact on the figure, and in tandem with the oil turns very dangerous for the health and fitness
3.. Sausage and sosiski

Do not be naive to believe Pestryaev inscriptions on packages that the production of this variety of sausage or sausage used only natural meat without transgenic soybeans and other questionable ingredients. The truth is that any of the products in this category include, mainly, meat remnants, skin, cartilage and fat as well as soybeans, all kinds of preservatives and colorants, flavorings and thickeners.
Therefore, regular consumption of sandwiches with sausage as breakfast or snack, as well as various sausages and sausages as a main dish, accompanied by a side dish, will over time not only to serious problems with weight, but also to cardiovascular, and even oncological diseases .
4. Popkorn

It would seem, corn, used to make this delicacy - a valuable, albeit fairly high-calorie product, which contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. However, the popcorn was in our list today, and this is no accident. All business that is used for its preparation oil, sugar and karamelizatory in one case, and the salt taste enhancers in the other.
The amount of optional ingredients contained in the single serving popcorn is significantly higher than the daily dose recommended person. For example, a one-time use of the amount of sugar can cause a sharp rise in blood glucose and salt, in turn, lead to increased pressure and more stress on the kidneys.
5. Sousy

Wanting to diversify the usual menu and fill the dishes with new flavors, add many ready-made sauces, bought in the nearest supermarket. The most favorite and popular are, of course, mayonnaise and ketchup. But no natural eggs or tomatoes from which these sauces should be carried out, as part no.
In the pursuit of taste, we get only dangerous for the body transfats, sugar, emulsifiers and preservatives. Optional harm lies in the most plastic packaging, are used by manufacturers instead of glass to reduce the cost of the finished product. The fact that it can react chemically with some components of the sauce and become toxic. As a result of all these toxins at risk of being in our body.
via kitchenmag.ru/posts/6950-pyat-samyh-vrednyh-produktov-kotorye-ne-stoit-est
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