Cream soup with pumpkin jelly and ALGAE Tohsaka

Lentils green - 20g
Algae Tohsaka (colored) - 10g
Avocado - 150 g
Cucumber - 50g
Milk from pumpkin seeds - 100 ml
Honey - 25 g
Lemon juice - 25 ml
Sea salt - 2 g
Curry - 2 g
P.b.m - 1g
Mix lettuce - 10g
Fragrant oil - 3g
- Avocado, milk, honey, lemon juice, salt, curry, pepper, and whisk in a blender until a creamy consistency
. - Sprout lentils,
- Soak seaweed in water,
-. A cucumber cut into cubes
All the ingredients are put in a bowl, pour the soup, decorate with lettuce, cucumber and fragrant oil.
For milk:
Pumpkin Seeds - 100g
Drinking water - 300g
Seeds soaked overnight in water, then rinse and shake up with drinking water. Strain through cheesecloth.
* Aromatic Oil (infused extra virgin olive oil to spices, garlic and fresh chilli)