The man said Medvedev, a sinking in the water, and then make a decision!
In a medium brown bear is considered fairly peaceful inhabitant. However, sensing a threat, the animal becomes extremely dangerous in humans. It is for this reason that the police state of Florida to find a predator in a residential home, had to immediately take action.
< Most bear encounters with civilization ends with someone's death. Darts with tranquilizers - the only way to avoid it
But this time they have not worked!
Predator rushed to a nearby lake where tranquilizers still have the upper hand and began to drown the beast.
Realizing helpless bear, Adam Warwick, a biologist from the World Wildlife Fund, rushed into the water to save him.
Adrenaline must have blinded him. Minutes later, a similar rescue Bear would become a suicide.
But this time, the risk paid off: animal paws refused, and without the intervention of Adam, he would certainly have drowned
Prior to the coast was still more than fifteen meters, when the rescuers came to help.
However, the bear was too heavy to put him into the boat.
charged themselves paralyzed predator, Adam alone swims to shore.
It seemed an eternity before they came out of the water.
Now, a wild beast could at last return to their fauna.
Adam even had time to say goodbye to him. His bravery saved the life of a bear.
Not everyone would have the courage to decide to what Adam did. One paw predator that could carry his head. But apparently, this is the case when one can safely say: "Madness of the brave we sing glory!"
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: Nail
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< Most bear encounters with civilization ends with someone's death. Darts with tranquilizers - the only way to avoid it

But this time they have not worked!

Predator rushed to a nearby lake where tranquilizers still have the upper hand and began to drown the beast.

Realizing helpless bear, Adam Warwick, a biologist from the World Wildlife Fund, rushed into the water to save him.

Adrenaline must have blinded him. Minutes later, a similar rescue Bear would become a suicide.

But this time, the risk paid off: animal paws refused, and without the intervention of Adam, he would certainly have drowned

Prior to the coast was still more than fifteen meters, when the rescuers came to help.

However, the bear was too heavy to put him into the boat.

charged themselves paralyzed predator, Adam alone swims to shore.

It seemed an eternity before they came out of the water.

Now, a wild beast could at last return to their fauna.

Adam even had time to say goodbye to him. His bravery saved the life of a bear.

Not everyone would have the courage to decide to what Adam did. One paw predator that could carry his head. But apparently, this is the case when one can safely say: "Madness of the brave we sing glory!"
Share the story of heroism to each.
: Nail
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