Why sleep under a heavy blanket is good for health

I'd like to not only sleep on weekends and every night. And live the day not as a "night owl", the circumstances will be compelled to be a "morning person", but as a normal person. And it would be nice to sleep in a disciplined 22-23 pm as planned.
I'd like to, but rarely get. As a result, the day everything goes wrong: the work is not going well, the nerves no good. < Website I have learned a new way to sleep well and soundly.
In America, conducted several studies and found that heavier blanket, the easier person to sleep
According to a scientific technique called deep effect on the body pressure. Deep pressure is something like a massage: relaxes, gives a feeling of peace and comfort. About the same feelings arise when we take on his hands, firmly and gently hug or pat on the back. The same we felt as an infant, when parents are tightly swaddled us: soft Fleece Blankets and parent hands gently pressed on the body - and we calmed down, became good cry no longer wanted
With gentle pressure on the body of the brain begins to produce "happiness hormone" serotonin, which in the darkness is gradually transformed into melatonin - the hormone responsible for sleep-wake cycle. A heavy blanket well that gently presses on every centimeter of the body at once. < We relax, because it received a signal: around comfortably and safely, it is time for a vacation
Disorders such as depression, anxiety, increased aggression or compulsive behavior is also linked to low serotonin levels, so tranquil pleasant dream under a heavy blanket can help here. And the heavy blanket recommend unusual for children with hyperactivity, autism or cerebral palsy.
Weight blankets depends on personal preferences and our own weight. Usually adults recommend quilts weighing 6 to 15 kg. This is not a typo. There are even special blankets, consisting of separate pockets with zippers, which are fallen asleep buckwheat or special microspheres. But if, instead of a pleasant feeling of heaviness pressure at which it is difficult to breathe, it is better to pour out of the pockets of the filler. Or buy a normal, moderately heavy blanket.

Sweet dreams to all of us, any day and in any situation!
According to the materials: lifehack
Translation and adaptation of the Website
Preview: Sam Carlo
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