12 cool tips for all occasions

The site publishes a small selection of life hacking, which can be useful to you. We ourselves have adopted most of these utilities 1 How to keep chips fresh and crisp:!.

< 2. On the Internet you can often find advice to put the phone in rice, if you wet it. Rice should absorb all the water. This is a bad idea: rice grains of tightly clog major connectors
. < 3 Open the pesky plastic packages, which do not take even a pair of scissors, can opener:

. < 4 If you feel that you have gone too far with coffee and you too vigorously - neutralize the effect of the action of caffeine, eating a banana or drinking a glass of milk
< 5. Keep a supply of water with ice. Pour into a bottle of water for a quarter and throw it in the freezer. Before you leave home, remove the bottle and add the amount of plain water.
< 6. To cardboard stand beer glass from sticking to the bottom, sprinkle it modicum of salt. Salt absorbs condensation on the glass.
. < 7 Open the wine without a corkscrew with a conventional knife: Insert the blade at an angle from the edge of the stopper and turn gently

When the tube seem, remove the blade, pry them plug edge and gently pull.

< 8. or screw in a screw cap, hook it and pull the plug.
. < 9 Take the cork out of wine, wind the wire on her headphone plug and secure in traffic: the headphones will not be entangled in storage

< 10. Swipe between the keys sticky side leaf Post-it, to clean hard to reach areas between the keys.
< 11. If you pour distilled water in a spray bottle and sprayed onto the metal parts in the bathroom after a shower, the tap water will evaporate, leaving no streaks.
. < 12 Use a pencil with an eraser as the holder of the nail, so as not to damage the fingers with a hammer:

via factroom.ru
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