20 short of the facts that are useful to know about cooking
These facts - not just the facts. This two dozen short and clear answers to all sorts of "how?", Which now and then appear in the cooking process.
Website likes homemade food, and we regularly replenish our collection of kitchen life hacking. References to previous selections you find at the end of the article, but for now ...
How to clean vegetables from seed? h3> How easy to clean vegetables from seed? To do this, use the device completely unexpected - the special spoon for ice cream. Her slightly pointed edge to help ease away the seeds. This technique is important for cucumbers, squash, pumpkins and many other vegetables.
How to get rid of excess fat meal? h3> cook the dish, but it was too greasy and nourishing? Do not rush to get frustrated and give up on dinner. Take an ice cube and wrap it in a paper napkin. Spend on the ice surface of the dishes. Ice pulls excess fat like a magnet. And it, in turn, remains on the napkin.
How to warm up pastries? h3> If you are going to warm up pastries (eg pizza) in a microwave oven, there is a risk it is too dry. To avoid these negative effects, set next to a glass of water. Evaporates the moisture will not dry up the dish.
How to store peeled nuts? h3> Nuts - a valuable source of important vitamins and minerals. They contain antioxidants that improve the overall tone of the body and strengthen the immune system.
How to eliminate unpleasant smell? h3> In the process of cooking, we are faced with a variety of products. Some of them, such as fish, very fragrant and left hand is not very pleasant smell, which is not so easy to get rid of. Rub hands soda or lemon juice and wash under warm water - this should help.
How to store herbs? h3> The greens decorate any dish and gives it a unique flavor and aroma. Unfortunately, the shelf life of parsley, leek, fennel and other representatives of "green" is not too long. How to extend the life of the grass? Freeze fresh herbs in tins of ice Gulf of water or olive oil. And then just add a couple of cubes in the dish.
How to Clean Cast Iron Cookware? h3> Cast Iron Cookware practical and convenient. To keep it in good condition, it is important to clean it. Do not use household chemicals - this may cause rust. Wash the dishes with the help of iron salts. By the way, the salt also helps eliminate the haunting smell of spices.
How to keep recipes clean? h3> Use a hanger for pants, open book on the desired page and secure clamps. Hang the hanger on the handle of the cabinet or other structure which is suitable for this purpose.
How to return the dishes shine? h3> The brilliant dishes - dishes that person. To return to the pristine sheen chromed bowl, wash it with a solution of vinegar and water. If this is the usual dishes, but not an electric kettle. you can even soak it in a solution for the whole night.
How oven cupcakes without molds? h3> I wanted to delicious pastries and molds for cupcakes or muffins not? Do not despair. Their absence should not prevent you to enjoy a gentle and airy cakes. Construct custom molds made of paper for baking.
How to return a wooden bowl in working condition? h3> Wood utensils - it is stylish and beautiful. To always keep it in this condition, it is important to clean it. Wooden spoons and blades over time, lose its shape and become not very pleasant smell. If you feel sorry for them to throw out, try to boil them to dry in the sun. This simple technique will give them a second life.
How to cook a whole bird? h3> The whole bird is perfect for a celebratory dinner in the circle of home and friends. How to prepare this dish is that it has turned out fragrant, delicate and crispy? When you bake the bird, put it on the breast - it most meat, so this part should be as close to the heat.
How to cook pasta? h3> In the preparation of this dish is no big deal. However, in anticipation of easy to miss the moment when the water begins to overflow. Place the pan on top of a wooden spatula or spoon. The tree does not allow water to overflow and rose foam.
How to peel onions? h3> Bow - a killer vegetable that makes everyone cry. If you are especially sensitive mucous eye, then go through the process quite difficult. If you are going to expose the onion heat treatment, then before you cut it, put the vegetables in the freezer for 30 minutes and forget about tears.
It is easy to grate cheese? h3> To prepare many dishes using grated cheese. What if the cheese is at room temperature, was soft and did not give in to you and a grater? Place it in the freezer for 30 minutes. Cheese cured, which means that it will not stick to the trowel and becomes more crumbly.
How to clean cutting boards? h3> To a wooden cutting board serve you longer and do not become a source of unpleasant smells, it is important to clean it. Rub the board with coarse salt and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rub half a lemon and a good dry. This simple procedure will return to her perfect look.
How to get the most juice from citrus fruit? h3> Love the fresh juices in the morning? Then you might want to know how to get the most juice from oranges and other citrus representatives. First, a good chill fruit, and then send it in the microwave for 15-20 seconds. Enjoy a cool drink!
How to easily peel the eggs? h3> Clear the egg from the shell will have no difficulty, if cooked in water, add a small amount of baking soda or vinegar. These substances penetrate the shell, which then simplifies its separation from the egg white.
How to handle cling film? h3> Food foil - an indispensable attribute of any kitchen. I do not know how it deftly managed? Take on arming Council renowned chefs: Keep plastic wrap in the refrigerator. The cold is much more obedient and less stick to hands.
How to quickly clean citrus? h3> If you think that the cleaning process of citrus peel is complicated, tedious and unloved occupation, this life hacking for you. Before you remove the peel from a lemon, orange or tangerine, place the fruit in a microwave for 20 seconds. After that you can easily clean the fruit.
25 short culinary facts, tips 40 culinary tips from Jamie Oliver, who will make of you a chef 16 tips that will be useful to you in the kitchen 20 short facts, tips, how to make any dish delicious 10 things that make you cook and you will cook with pleasure!
via kitchenmag.ru/posts/5275-20-krutyh-kulinarnyh-layfhakov-o-kotoryh-vy-tochno-ne-znali?utm_source=RSS
Website likes homemade food, and we regularly replenish our collection of kitchen life hacking. References to previous selections you find at the end of the article, but for now ...
How to clean vegetables from seed? h3> How easy to clean vegetables from seed? To do this, use the device completely unexpected - the special spoon for ice cream. Her slightly pointed edge to help ease away the seeds. This technique is important for cucumbers, squash, pumpkins and many other vegetables.
How to get rid of excess fat meal? h3> cook the dish, but it was too greasy and nourishing? Do not rush to get frustrated and give up on dinner. Take an ice cube and wrap it in a paper napkin. Spend on the ice surface of the dishes. Ice pulls excess fat like a magnet. And it, in turn, remains on the napkin.
How to warm up pastries? h3> If you are going to warm up pastries (eg pizza) in a microwave oven, there is a risk it is too dry. To avoid these negative effects, set next to a glass of water. Evaporates the moisture will not dry up the dish.
How to store peeled nuts? h3> Nuts - a valuable source of important vitamins and minerals. They contain antioxidants that improve the overall tone of the body and strengthen the immune system.
It is important to be able to store this product. If you hold the nuts peeled at room temperature, then over time they acquire a rancid taste. Put the nuts in an airtight container and freeze. This will help to keep all of their useful properties and taste.
How to eliminate unpleasant smell? h3> In the process of cooking, we are faced with a variety of products. Some of them, such as fish, very fragrant and left hand is not very pleasant smell, which is not so easy to get rid of. Rub hands soda or lemon juice and wash under warm water - this should help.
How to store herbs? h3> The greens decorate any dish and gives it a unique flavor and aroma. Unfortunately, the shelf life of parsley, leek, fennel and other representatives of "green" is not too long. How to extend the life of the grass? Freeze fresh herbs in tins of ice Gulf of water or olive oil. And then just add a couple of cubes in the dish.
How to Clean Cast Iron Cookware? h3> Cast Iron Cookware practical and convenient. To keep it in good condition, it is important to clean it. Do not use household chemicals - this may cause rust. Wash the dishes with the help of iron salts. By the way, the salt also helps eliminate the haunting smell of spices.
How to keep recipes clean? h3> Use a hanger for pants, open book on the desired page and secure clamps. Hang the hanger on the handle of the cabinet or other structure which is suitable for this purpose.
How to return the dishes shine? h3> The brilliant dishes - dishes that person. To return to the pristine sheen chromed bowl, wash it with a solution of vinegar and water. If this is the usual dishes, but not an electric kettle. you can even soak it in a solution for the whole night.
How oven cupcakes without molds? h3> I wanted to delicious pastries and molds for cupcakes or muffins not? Do not despair. Their absence should not prevent you to enjoy a gentle and airy cakes. Construct custom molds made of paper for baking.
By the way, at the same time can become parchment and cool decoration for your desk, if you apply it directly cupcakes. Plug imagination and skillful hands.
How to return a wooden bowl in working condition? h3> Wood utensils - it is stylish and beautiful. To always keep it in this condition, it is important to clean it. Wooden spoons and blades over time, lose its shape and become not very pleasant smell. If you feel sorry for them to throw out, try to boil them to dry in the sun. This simple technique will give them a second life.
How to cook a whole bird? h3> The whole bird is perfect for a celebratory dinner in the circle of home and friends. How to prepare this dish is that it has turned out fragrant, delicate and crispy? When you bake the bird, put it on the breast - it most meat, so this part should be as close to the heat.
How to cook pasta? h3> In the preparation of this dish is no big deal. However, in anticipation of easy to miss the moment when the water begins to overflow. Place the pan on top of a wooden spatula or spoon. The tree does not allow water to overflow and rose foam.
How to peel onions? h3> Bow - a killer vegetable that makes everyone cry. If you are especially sensitive mucous eye, then go through the process quite difficult. If you are going to expose the onion heat treatment, then before you cut it, put the vegetables in the freezer for 30 minutes and forget about tears.
It is easy to grate cheese? h3> To prepare many dishes using grated cheese. What if the cheese is at room temperature, was soft and did not give in to you and a grater? Place it in the freezer for 30 minutes. Cheese cured, which means that it will not stick to the trowel and becomes more crumbly.
How to clean cutting boards? h3> To a wooden cutting board serve you longer and do not become a source of unpleasant smells, it is important to clean it. Rub the board with coarse salt and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rub half a lemon and a good dry. This simple procedure will return to her perfect look.
How to get the most juice from citrus fruit? h3> Love the fresh juices in the morning? Then you might want to know how to get the most juice from oranges and other citrus representatives. First, a good chill fruit, and then send it in the microwave for 15-20 seconds. Enjoy a cool drink!
How to easily peel the eggs? h3> Clear the egg from the shell will have no difficulty, if cooked in water, add a small amount of baking soda or vinegar. These substances penetrate the shell, which then simplifies its separation from the egg white.
How to handle cling film? h3> Food foil - an indispensable attribute of any kitchen. I do not know how it deftly managed? Take on arming Council renowned chefs: Keep plastic wrap in the refrigerator. The cold is much more obedient and less stick to hands.
How to quickly clean citrus? h3> If you think that the cleaning process of citrus peel is complicated, tedious and unloved occupation, this life hacking for you. Before you remove the peel from a lemon, orange or tangerine, place the fruit in a microwave for 20 seconds. After that you can easily clean the fruit.
Our collection:
25 short culinary facts, tips 40 culinary tips from Jamie Oliver, who will make of you a chef 16 tips that will be useful to you in the kitchen 20 short facts, tips, how to make any dish delicious 10 things that make you cook and you will cook with pleasure! via kitchenmag.ru/posts/5275-20-krutyh-kulinarnyh-layfhakov-o-kotoryh-vy-tochno-ne-znali?utm_source=RSS
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