Meet the "Alyonka": the history of a girl with chocolate wrappers

the Image Alenka more than fifty years, and the vast number of citizens of Russia and other former Soviet countries, he knows from childhood. The site says, where this portrait, and who is on it izobrazhёn.Mama photographed Gerinas Lena, daughter of Soviet photographer, in 1960, when she was 8 months old. In 1962, the portrait was published in the journal "Health". And when in 1965 "Evening Moscow" contest was announced on the packaging for the chocolate factory "Red October", someone suddenly remembered this picture. Prior to that, the factory tried many versions of "Alenka", but no way do not like the public as long as there does not appear on the wrapper Helen.

For chocolate wrappers bit photo "painted on": the girl changed with hazel eye color to blue, slightly lengthened face reddened cheeks and lips made more swollen. So in 1966 there was a package for chocolate, has become recognizable not only in the USSR but also abroad.
By the way, these plain transformation rescued in 2000 the factory "Red October" to pay Elena Gerinas amount of 5 million rubles. She filed a lawsuit with the requirement to pay a specified sum to her because her photo was used on the cover so many years. The judges ruled that the image of the label - a collective. Today Elena Gerinas lives in Khimki near Moscow. She is married and has two children. Elena pharmacist by profession.

Since the Soviet Union did not exist the concept of "copyright", the different factory produces about 50 kinds of chocolate "Alenka" for as long as the factory "Red October" has not issued a patent for this product. Some time on the wrapper printed a poem that wrote Soviet girl schoolgirl Alexander Egorov:
Meet Alenka of children every glad
Buy, buy, buy chocolate!
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via www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/010216/28272/
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