Let us make a new world.

February 1, 2016 the Ascended Master Melchizedek
Hello dear souls, standing on the threshold of Ascension! This message is for those who have finally realized that he will not swerve from the road leading into the fifth dimension.
I can see how difficult it is to accept you, accustomed for so many centuries to live in a world of third density, the fact that you can co-create a life force of its ideas.
And we see that even the highest souls, ready to live in a new world and that come here at will operate on long-established stereotypes, that is trying to build here the world of third density, although it concerns not mind, and material things and household items.
So I will try to explain to you what we expect from you in the world's fifth-density and what you need to do to begin to change the perception of life and their needs now, while still in the dual world. You have to remember that the world's fifth-density There are no limits to your imagination, to your ability, there is no time or space frames.
But the only limitation that there is - it is DIVINE appropriate. What is it? Everything you create your own thoughts and desires must comply with the moral code of the universe: the greater good VSEH.Vashe consciousness must rise to the level of understanding of the unity and integrity of the law, which states that every particle of the universe must operate for the benefit of all its other particles.
And it's available to you now. If each of you will begin to think SO is already in the dual world, your life will begin to change on the eyes, and you'll realize what a great happiness - to live for the benefit of himself and everyone on this planet, that giving, you get a hundred times more!
Learn from this, dear, now !, as I want to say to you today - it is your inability thoughts of the heart. Yes, you are able to feel the heart, compassion, love, give heartfelt warmth - you can even say that you already know how to live a heart, but a heart to think you still do not know how.
"What is the difference?" - You ask. And the difference is that you must learn to co-create life-threatening heart.
And I'll tell you how it delat.Predstavte yourself in the fifth dimension where you power over everything. First, you are lost, your mind and habit will start to rush in search of the best, most beautiful, most comfortable - your human understanding.
Try turning off your mind and instead "enable" your heart. Feel how it spreads the heat, it is "responsible" for your desire to hear it. This heat will spread all over your body, and soon you'll hear your heart pounding nachet in your head.
Yes, you will feel that your brain is pulsing: beats in time with your serdtsu.I when this happens, try asking your heart, how would you like to see this or that object, or that construction, transportation, clothing - yes all Anything.
And most importantly - do not let this moment to join in your mind.
I deliberately will not give you exact hints or some ideas that you do not have to impose its "stereotypes", as everyone should have their own, unique experience.
And I believe, my dear, that over time, your imagination and your creativity reached such unprecedented heights that you will be surprised how narrow was your old world is poor in imagination.
Be bold and do not limit yourself in anything!
And we are always with you to help you and support you advice. Please contact us! We always hear you!
Lord Melchizedek spoke to you on behalf of all Beings of Light waiting to take you into the world of the fifth dimension