The energy of the chakras, the methods of charging your chakras:

We will activate our chakras every day, consciously or unconsciously, in various ways. Below is a list of the main ways of charging our chakras.
Your clothes affects your mood, spirit and energy level. Light penetrates through the clothes we wear, increasing the energy of color. Brighter transfer energy better clothes.
Thinking is a form of energy. Science has proven that positive thinking allows our energy to flow freely and without restrictions. Negative thoughts reduce the energy within our body. Every thought is connected to a chakra. For example, the idea of passionate red stimulates the flow of energy, and the evil thought reduces the flow. This means that the permanent evil thoughts will weaken our base chakra.
This is our most important source of energy. With the help of sunlight falling on the ground all the seven colors of energy. People, animals, plants, minerals, water and our chakras receive energy from sunlight. If you are not able to enjoy the sun in the bathroom for a few hours a day, put a lamp with a high-quality full range of in your work area or home.
When the sun's rays fall on the leaves of plants, it feeds power plants. Once the plant will absorb this energy, the energy of color remains in it in fruits, vegetables or flowers. Without this energy the body can not absorb the nutritional value of foods. Maintain balance your chakras you can, every day by eating foods that contain each of the 7 colors of energy.
Meditation and breathing. Since thought is a form of energy, you can ignite your chakras through meditation, visualization and breathing. Adding to the intention of the color, you are charging a particular chakra, depending on the selected color.
Rocks and Minerals.
Rocks and minerals also constitute a form of energy. For example, in humans, has similar crystal structure like crystal and minerals. Crystals amplify energy and can be programmed - similar to computer chips. Wearing gemstone jewelry or placing gems and minerals in your surroundings an easy way to absorb vibration healing stone or mineral.
Color bathing.
Water is a conductor of energy and color as the energy. Lying in colored water, your body absorbs the vibrational frequency of the color. Take the time for your body and soul. While bathing, balance chakra, thinking about what you want to get from this particular energy as possible and align your bath with aromatherapy. Avoid using chemical dyes for painting the water, it is best to use natural natural dyes.
Essential oils are the pure essence of a plant or flower. Each oil has a vibration, which correlates with the color. The oils have healing properties of herbs, flowers and plants. Use only therapeutic oils (cheap oil may contain toxins), in addition, never apply essential oils directly on the skin, dilute it with massage oil or added to the bath.
Music and Dance.
Music has an impact on us negatively or positively. Each musical note corresponds to the color and chakra. Some sounds can stimulate you emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. For example, while listening or dancing to the primitive music, such as drums, you can recharge your physical body and stimulate your root chakra.
The tone and sound.
We can orally produce sounds, vibrating at the same frequency as the various organs of our body. Regular "singing" of these sounds can help to maintain the normal functioning of our body. Noise pollution can negatively affect your functionality. Surround yourself with the sounds that will make you happy and productive.
Color filter.
By passing light through a certain color filters on our body, the vibration of the colors penetrate our skin, affecting a certain area.
Of charged water.
Fill a glass with water color or put a glass of water in front of a color filter and let the rays of the sun will charge your water color energy. Your glass should not be made from polyethylene, and the color should be pure.
Light eyes.
Light entering the eye stimulates our pituitary, which in turn releases the hormones and sends them to the bodies. To stimulate a certain chakra therapy you can wear glasses with colored filters. Remember, if the manufacturer or the seller is not aware of color therapy, it is possible that their colored lenses are not designed for medical purposes.
Consciously use of color in your home or work environment to get more positive and productive energy. Paint the room or add a different colored pillows, artwork, carpets and so on. Use soothing colors in your bedroom and stimulating colors in your workplace.