Our ancestors well aware that people in the energy your body receives not only with food, it also absorbs it through the breath of the air through the pores of your skin of the body.
The human body is not currently experiencing the action of air and wind throughout life continuously. When we breathe in an energy in the air - it accumulates in us, as in batteries that absorb electricity. And thus strengthened and our physical body and our inner psychic power. Therefore, the cultivation of proper breathing, our ancestors have always attached great importance.
Old Slavonic sorcerers knew and knew how to use breathing exercises to practice their vrachevalnoy. Here are some of them:
"Full breath" - distributes the air throughout the volume of the lungs. Start slowly breathe in air (nose with the mouth closed), fixing his mind on the expansion of (air-filled) belly first, then his chest. Then make a small pause, equal to half of the time that you spent on inhalation. Then start slowly through your nose and exhale all the air in the same time as that on the breath, gradually lowering (releasing) the stomach, diaphragm and chest. Then again, a little pause, which is equal to half the time of exhalation. Repeat all over again several times, as long as you do not feel in your body along with the air flows vital energy, filling your lungs, the diaphragm and the intestines to light tingling.
"Breath". This exercise is best performed in the supine position and breath - so in the light should not remain free (unspent) energy. Lying on your back and relax, start to do full breath. Then inhale, hold your breath for a long time as much as possible until the wait. After powerfully exhale air through the open mouth. Our ancestors noticed that if respiratory arrest occurs in the human body energy deficit begins during which there is a disintegration of energy structures introduced by the body from the outside, through which then feeds on the natural human energy system. This therapeutic effect and is based breath.
"Breath of the whole body." This exercise involved the whole body, especially the skin of the person, through which a greatest amount of energy from the outside. The energy of the human body can recruit different areas, so exercise method based on the fact that each breath, mentally directed to a specific area of the body, focusing attention on it is at the moment of inspiration.
"Cleaning breath." As a rule, this breath and end all health treatments based on breathing. On the inhale, perform a "full breath", did not hold a few seconds and then jerks (jerks) exhale air through the mouth until complete emptying of the lungs. This exercise maximum energy structure cleanses your body from foreign or unfavorable contacts.
"Breath, improves memory performance." Standing with his back flat, bend down his head and slowly begin sniffing the air. Then, lift your head up and your eyes open, hold your breath for 8-10 seconds. Once again, tilt your head, fold his lips and exhale slowly to the end. Exercise should be repeated 4 times (4 inhalation and exhalation 4). Implementation of such an exercise is enough 1 times a day for 20 days. Memory is simply beautiful!
"Air hardening" our ancestors used always and fully. After all, such an action really stimulate all the body's defenses, prevents and treats diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Air baths are still considered as the best wellness and preventive means, and especially the bath, taken at dawn, when the sun pierces the air and ultraviolet light saturates the body with vital energy.