Signs of fate.

Why do not we see the signs of destiny and not listen to them? How often do we go somewhere in a hurry, but something prevents, impedes, and we are trying to catch up in time ...
So I'm late for an appointment, I drop the keys, gloves, I stammered on the threshold, delayed a taxi, and I'm still running to catch a ride. And then the meeting is taking place so that it would be better if there were no ...
Here I see the guy in the yard angrily kicking the wheel of his car suddenly zaglohnuvshey and does not understand that this is for his own good that it specifically held, making it impossible to be in the wrong place ...
Or am I crazy, hitting a huge traffic jam, and then it turns out that at the time hovered near my house drunk and angry ex-husband ...
Such moments in the lives of many. Almost at every turn. It was as if someone is sitting in the heavens and whispers, preserving at a dangerous turn, preventing trouble. Every day we get signs, but rarely pay attention to them. We do not see, do not know how to recognize them. And if you see something themselves often reject and do not want to listen to them.
I'm not superstitious, no, I do not believe in omens, but it marks another ... Sometimes there are such moments, insignificant, invisible to others, and for you - if conditional, warning.
For example, you meet a person for the first time, and everything is fine, everything is fine, you will be delighted with each other! You perfectly communicates by phone, on the Internet away from each other, but when you're going to go somewhere together, something happens: car breaks down, you suddenly appear urgent business, he suddenly happens migraine, you repeatedly put off meeting. And when all the same in spite of everything are going to meet and go to the pre-specified location, you lose on the road for a long time to wander, not finding the right rotation. As a result, you are both tired and going home, embarrassed agreeing to postpone the trip until later.
He leaves, you take a hot bath and sad, thinking of "Murphy's Law" about the strange difficulties and obstacles on your to him the way ... And he calls 20 minutes later and said that the place where you're traveling to, very close. It is found as soon as you have left ... you shame shame, but ... Is not it a sign? But you persistently continue to meet, not paying attention to all these delays and troubles, which are many. Sometimes you wonder: why? But write off everything on the chance, bad luck, in coincidence ... And after some time, this man brings you so much anguish, so much misery and negativity you in a nightmare not dream ... And then you start to remember that on which We laughed and marveled at the beginning.
Or I'm going to the doctor and I understand that today does not want to go there, I just can not, feet do not go in fear of eerie, inexplicable, incomprehensible. I leave the house, I immediately pouring dirty spray passing cars. I hasten to change, late and decide to postpone the visit, but anyone of good family insists: "It's for your own good, it is not surprising that scary, but it is necessary, try to understand." I succumbed to the entreaties, and on this day the doctor makes a mistake that cost me dearly.
But spiritual discomfort - this is a very clear sign. If you want to make a decision, no one better than the internal "I" does not know what to do. Why do not we listen to that voice, why we do not want to listen to him and to what is happening around us?
"If they will not believe you, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign." The words in the Bible. The sign has a voice. Every sign of something said, warns something indicates that people paid attention. God gives these warnings, if you stand on the line for change in your life.
The sign - it is a contract with God that is within you, you know, right? This protection, which is given above, because God wants man to not go down the wrong path.
Prophet William M. Branham says that if you do not accept the Holy Spirit, grief is inevitable. The Holy Spirit - this is your soul, she tells you, she takes you to the signs, do not reject them! Therefore, the prophet, preaching the sermon "Sign", so focused on this account.
Everything that happens to you, it can be said, a hint of the quality of the future. If it is associated with unpleasant sensations, it instills fear, anxiety, discomfort - then it is a signal of the negative turn of events. If you really pay attention to it, you should not neglect them. Maybe he warns that one must be careful or radically change their behavior, or stop altogether, or choose a different course of action.
If you can not be conceived, obstacles appear strange, but things are moving with difficulty - maybe you have chosen a dead end road, and you do not have to go there? If you try, but in vain, so this is a sign from above. God says to you, do not, go do something else or leave that person - you will not be happy with him. A female instinct, I must say, very often unmistakably suggests not your man. Why many people do not listen?
You want one thing and you do another, I want to throw unloved accounting and go on learning designer, but age is not one. Here you see all the signs around, and make sure that your true calling is really not about what you are doing. But you say, what to do, and you're doing, because we have ... Why should it?
We have forgotten that freedom of choice involves not ask, do not, because it is necessary, and to listen to his "I" and go and take.
If you come to the idea that you do not live your life that is not enough, there is the joy that was before, not drive them away, thinking it was a bout of depression. No, it's not depression, it is also a sign that something must change, that your inner "I" is trying to reach you.
You need to make an important decision? Stop and listen to yourself. If the decision has been made, remember the feelings you experienced when taking it. You were "good" or "bad"? If the decision was difficult, if there was an oppressive state, then it is definitely "bad". In this case, you can safely change the decision.
Common sense often drowns out the whisper of the soul. The mind is always trying to justify and prove his innocence. Here you are facing a dilemma: the soul tries to timidly objected mind hears that says the soul, but pretends not to hear, and insists on his own, relying on "sound reasoning».
After reading these lines, put them in the depths of the subconscious, and the next time you make a decision, think about them. You make sure that everything is just so. Yes, you know, just do not think about it.
Of course, it is worth noting that the more exciting is the event for us, the more value we attach to everything that is happening around him. Of course, sometimes we do not see the signs, but simply a manifestation of the fact on what is currently focused. The Law of Attraction states that you are a magnet and attract into your life that is in harmony with your wishes. You do not just notice that it is worth thinking about the person he is calling, or you happen to meet him?
Should you decide to do something as there are signs and all that takes thought, it attracted into your life. But if these signs are negative and you have to convince yourself and persuade, it means that something is not right ... So, against the soul. If the soul does not mind, you do not have to persuade ourselves. The soul does not think she feels and knows. Listen to yourself and your heart.
Particular care should be paid attention to the wishes and actions, which are able to change the life and destiny. If you wish to cause any inconvenience and concerns and have the opportunity to give it up - better give up. This will save a lot of problems. This desire comes not from the heart. If you ignore the discomfort, you often have to sorry.
Its signs can decrypt and notice you alone. You'll understand if you observe yourself and the world around them. The main advantage of the signs is that they are able to awaken in time and to understand that you may act to its detriment. Having consciously listen to them, you will gain strength and will develop intuition has no limits, as well as the human brain as a whole. And the power of positive emotions and harmony with oneself in themselves capable of changing lives for the better.