Follow the body:

Never, not in any way attempt to prevail over the body. The body - is your foundation. Once you begin to understand your own body, ninety-nine percent of your pain just disappears. But you are not listening. The body says, "Stop! Do not eat! "You go there, you listen to the mind. The mind says, "It's so good, great. A little more! "You are not listening to the body. The body feels sick. Stomach says: "Stop! Enough! I'm tired! "- But the mind says:" Just think what a taste ... a little more! "You continue to listen to the mind. If you were listening to the body, ninety-nine percent of the problems have simply disappeared, and the remaining one per cent would have been just random, not real problems.
But from childhood we divert from the body, taken away from the body to the side. The child is crying, the child wants to eat, and her mother looking at the clock, because the doctor said that the baby should be given milk only after three. She does not look at the child. The child - that's the real clock, which you need to watch, but it continues to look at the clock on the wall. She listens to the doctor, and the child was crying; the child asking for food, the child needs food now. If you now do not give the child food, you will withdraw it from the body. Instead, to give him food, you give him a pacifier.
This is your part deception and fraud. You give something false, plastic, trying to distract him and destroy the sensitivity of the body. Wisdom of the body is not given the right to vote; It interferes with the mind. Pacifier soothes the child, and he falls asleep. Now, the clock says that three hours have passed, and milk should be given. Now the child is fast asleep, and now his body is asleep; you wake him, because the doctor said you need to give milk. You are once again break his rhythm. Little by little, you confounded his whole being. There comes a moment when he loses all contact with the body. He does not know what he wants his body him whether his body is, he does not know; whether his body wants to make love, he does not know. Everything is controlled by something outside. He sees the magazine "Playboy" and he wanted to make love. This is silly; It is - from the mind. Such love can not be of high quality; it will simply sneezing, no more; unloading. This is not love. How could love come from the mind? The mind does not know anything about love. It becomes a duty. Do you have a wife, you have a husband, you have to make love - it becomes a duty. Out of a sense of duty, faithfully, every night making love. Now it no spontaneity. And then you start to worry, because I feel that it does not bring you satisfaction. Then you start looking for some other woman. You start to think logically: "Maybe this woman does not suit me. Maybe it - not my spiritual half. Maybe it is not the one for me. I'm not cut out for it, because it does not bother me ».
The problem is not the woman is not a problem in a man - you are not in the body, it is - not in the body. If people were in the body, no one would miss the beauty, called orgasm. If people were in the body, in their experiments, they learned to orgasm glimpses of God.
Listen to your body, follow the body. Mind stupid body wisely. And if you will enter deeply into the body, in the very depths of my soul you will find. The soul is hidden in the depths of the body.