Terms fate happy woman:

There are 25 rules fate. Who invented them - is unknown. But those who are familiar with them, largely agree in the future try to stick to them. It's not even the rules and psychotherapeutic technique. Her task is reassurance. The process is long. It requires a sense of purpose and perseverance. Therefore, the rules should be taken seriously and thoughtfully, and they should be read every day. If you read once and thrown away, then nothing will. It is best to hang them in the room so they always catch the eye. Try it, and very soon, make sure you live it became much easier.
1. Getting around the void, but it shall be filled.
2. To achieve the desired, one desire is not enough - you need to make a decision. Only in this case there will be opportunities.
3. To change your way, you need to stop, and only then start moving in the opposite direction.
4. In life you have to pay for everything. But the most expensive cost of inaction. Sometimes it becomes apparent only at the end of life's journey.
5. If a person all the time afraid to do something wrong, make a mistake, he is not even aware of it, making the biggest mistake of his life.
6. This has always attracted only like. In life nothing is accidental. We attract to itself is not those people who would like to see beside me, and those who are completely like us.
7. If you see that the goal is unattainable, then concentrate on other purposes. Reaching them, try to go back to the first attainment.
8. If you do not ask for life, she did not give. If you ask for something indefinite, then the gift will be of the same character. Always articulate desires.
9. In life there are no absolute pleasure. It is always limited by our perception of the world.
10. You want a change? Then forget about passivity. It is thanks to her miss the opportunity that destiny offers. Map out a route and destination. But to reach it, you need to hit the road.
11. Life is always forces to solve the problems that people deal with escapes. From them it is impossible to hide, because without solving some problem now, it will have to decide on a different stage of life. But the decision will have to pay much more.
12. The choice of life is always there. Sometimes it is the lack of choice. In a world of many possibilities. But buying one, always losing something else. Therefore, losses are inevitable. But they can always be regarded as a new acquisition.
13. The new always involves the destruction of the old. But it is necessary not only to destroy, but to clear the place. But it requires effort, time and knowledge. After all, you need to know what to build and how. If you do not have such knowledge, it is better not to destroy. Otherwise, you can build something terrible.
14. A man tries to change lives, but they are prevented from old patterns and habits. They are all the time trying to get him back to the familiar pastime. Therefore, change is always going very slowly and require more mental effort.
15. Any one of us attracts exactly what he most loves, waiting or afraid, as it focuses on this consciousness. Fate never give too much. She is generous, but only within the desired. Extend the scope and get more.
16. All life - a solid opposition. Someone we love and someone to hate. With someone good friends and someone to compete. We acquire and lose, meet and rasstaёmsya. Man strives for stability and at the same time experiencing dissatisfaction from a measured flow of life. It is impossible to understand something without knowing its opposite.
17. People tend to harmony. But to achieve it, we need harmony within yourself. This acceptance of their strengths and weaknesses, awareness of your imperfections and inner tranquility. It is necessary that the mind, behavior and feelings acted in concert.
18. It should be understood that the world was not created for the mere pleasure. Very often it does not meet our expectations and ideas about it. But we must always strive to do good. One who is not capable of it, will never be able to appreciate the good received from others.
19. Man has always annoying people that sat in himself. Other people can be our mirrors. One need only look into them carefully. Then we can get to know yourself.
20. If you are covering a strong desire to possess something, it means that you do not recognize their abilities and virtues. Look at yourself, you can have much more than you would like.
21. It is difficult to resist the negative thoughts. They are forced to suffer, suffer, worry. Because of this negative swarm select one thought and to suppress it. Then you break the chain of harmful and it will not be so much to annoy you.
22. Accept yourself for who you are. Then anxiety, excitement, complexes disappear and you can start a full life.
23. The world around us is absolutely neutral. This we are doing it good or bad. Try to perceive the reality of positive and then it will be a happy and joyful.
24. Never think of the opinion of others as an ultimate truth. Being can not be good for all. There will always be detractors. Do not let them take you over the top.
25. We all come into this world out of nowhere and goes nowhere. So maybe the meaning of our existence and life itself in all its manifestations?
Simple rules is not it? Nevertheless, they are very beneficial to the perception of the world. Observe them is not difficult, and the benefits they bring invaluable!