(The mechanism of energy loss)
Try no one disputes, it is a struggle with the senseless loss of forces of both parties to the dispute. But if you are forced to enter into controversy forced, it never loses in the dispute (at least, in any case do not agree with the disputant). In fact, watch the disputing side (inside of the dispute itself, passionate, it's hard to notice). You will notice that the dispute never connected with the search for truth, this is usually the imposition of perspective. The controversy arises when people want nourished each other, remove the field for someone. For this purpose, instead of the exchange of information, a person attacks another using aggressive phrases to humiliate, insult (mean attack), such as: "You're wrong! You are saying nonsense! Nothing like this! This is absolutely not true! "And so on. These words are always charged with aggressive energy, even if the person looks like and says quietly. We always catch it as something offensive, feel that we have something removed, something was taken, and entering into an argument (in the fight), to give something back. This is a fight for bio-field on a subconscious level. Formed between the disputing phantom of emotions and each is fighting for the possession of them, and it takes to win the argument. The average person is not engaged in his power, does not have, shall we say, a lot of bio-field, with him not as profitable to argue, if won, the prize is small. With the same who had long worked to improve their energy (or any other activities giving force) who pumped up the field to argue quite tempting - when you can win a lot to gain. When the dispute first formed a small phantom, then the passions run high, it grows and comes to arguing that throw all available forces. He takes it the most powerful energy. The field is always a very dirty, because there are a lot of violence, aggression, humiliation of the enemy, pride, pettiness, and so on. D. Therefore, eat more useless field opponent in the dispute, but there is no need to give their field ... So why argue? Of course, those wishing to download your field there is always enough, you will always provoke, pulling, but now that you understand the essence of the dispute, you should not engage in debate. But if you made - not lost in the dispute do not give anywhere in your aura.