Vibratory awareness:

"Vibration - it is not something dry, it is a delight Bhakti. Bhakti - this ocean of love that is God. You just plunge into it. This can not be conveyed in words, you just feel the Spirit becomes a real bond between you and your mother or your father. "(Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga)
Pervasive vibration
As the practitioner becomes more complete self-realization, balancing subtle energy system. Balancing System provides emotional, physical and spiritual balance. Rising Kundalini illuminates the chakras (energy centers), dissolving into all the problems encountered, enlightens them, awakening in us certain spiritual qualities. The awakened Kundalini, establishes a relationship of individual human consciousness with the universal divine consciousness, which exists in the form of ultrafine pervasive vibrations, fills all our visible universe. After Self-realization, these vibrations can be felt as a cool breeze on the palms, fingertips, or as a cool head directly inside the body. Our enlightened nervous system gives a subtle feeling cool or warm flow (heat) on the hands, feet, above the crown over his head and around the body.
This condition is called vibrational awareness. Depending on our conventions, health and attitude of some people in the moment of awakening Kundalini have good sensitivity to vibration (not "hear" vibrations) as their energy centers contaminated blocking the path of Kundalini raising. Sometimes strongly blocked the center you can feel the pulsation even Kundalini, often felt the heat. After receiving the self-vibration feels about 95% of people.
Acquired vibratory awareness appear able to witness the state of our energy centers. Our spontaneous awakening of the Kundalini and spontaneously clears, energizes the chakras depleted and results in the balance of our entire nervous system.