The most deadly and dangerous poison on Earth!
What is the most dangerous poison on the ground? Someone might say - snake venom, someone will say - the venom of a scorpion, and someone - a spider venom. And everyone will be far from the truth. There is a terrible poison. This information poison. From it there is no vaccine, entering into us once, he kills us all his life.
Information poison - it is the most terrible weapon in the universe! The evidence of this fact are countless. Here is one of them.
In Japan, lives outstanding scientist of our time, Mr. Masaru Emoto. His books are very popular in the world.
Masaru Emoto has made a unique microscope, which allowed him to instantly freeze water and get photos of snowflakes. Study of the impact of information on the properties of water Emoto has devoted his entire life. And here's what he found: if the vessel with water to write negative words: "Death", "disease", "evil", after a sharp frost snowflakes turn ugly! And if you write the words positive light - "Love", "Happiness", "Faith" - the snowflakes obtained divinely beautiful!
Change the thought "negative" to "positive", and you change your life. Be even happier, take care of yourself!