STUDY OF TEARS under the microscope, reveals a surprising fact.
Once Rose-Lynn Fisher wondered the same whether you are tears of joy and tears of sadness? So she decided to examine them under a microscope.
She studied 100 different tears and found that normal tears (the ones that our body produces to lubricate our eyes) strongly differ from the tears that come when we chop the onion. Tears of laughter, very different from the tears of sorrow. Like a drop of ocean water, every tiny tear carries a microcosm of the human experience. Her project is called Topography of Tears.
Joseph Stromberg Smithsonian Arts and Sciences explained that there are three main types of tears: basic, reflex and mental (caused by emotions). All tears contain organic substances including oils, antibodies, and enzymes dissolved in seawater. Different types of tears contain different molecules. Emotional tears contain protein-based hormones, including leytsinenkefalin, which is a natural analgesic allocated when we experience stress. Tears studied under a microscope, crystallize in different forms. Fischer explains: "There are lots of criteria, including chemical composition, viscosity, evaporation rate and settings microscope».
Along with snowflakes and fingerprints, there is the same tears. Man - this space, which we still have a lot to learn.