SECRETS meltwater.

Since ancient times, widely used by meltwater in folk medicine. In the provinces, a snowy winter snow drifts into the house and gave him melt. Melt water drinking regularly. It is an indispensable tool for toning the body and physical activity.
And even it has been observed that the inhabitants of high mountains, which are systematically used the melt water in the home, had a great healthy life, full of energy.
The beneficial properties of melt water.
Melt water rejuvenates the body. Drinking such water activates the metabolism, helps relieve the body of dead cells than slowing down the aging process.
Additionally, unlike water, comprising meltwater missing heavy elements that are harmful to the body. A characteristic feature of the melt water is the fact that it is able to fill the body of internal energy, thereby charging the cheerfulness and spirit.
Melt water in the home, in some cases reduces the symptoms of allergic reactions (relieves itching and redness on the skin). Eating melt water activates the body's immune, increases immunity and resistance to virus disease (including - diseases of the respiratory system).
The use of melt water in the home.
Fresh melt water does not need any supplements. To consume such water should be immediately after thawing, although it retains the healing properties for 5-7 hours.
Melt water for the purpose of rehabilitation is recommended to use before meals, for 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment melt water is 30 to 45 days of daily administration of water 3-4 times before eating.
Minimum standards that should drink per day is 500 ml. Those who want to use warm, heated melt water, it should be noted that the temperature of the melt water must not exceed 37º, otherwise it will lose its healing properties.
Unfortunately, in modern conditions melted snow (folk method of producing melt water) is not only not benefit, but it can do much harm. Environmental pollution and a high content in the snow of harmful substances to the body leaves its mark.
But you can prepare melted water and now, in the home of technological progress.
Preparation of melt water.
To this filtered water is poured into a clean container to 75-85% of the total volume. Capacity was sealed and placed in a freezer of freezing to 100%.
Defrost water should be carried out at room temperature and not by artificial heating. You can put unfrozen water before going to bed, and then in the morning you can enjoy fresh, melt water.
And finally, a look at some of the recommendations for the preparation of melt water:
- Natural ice or snow from the freezer is not suitable for the preparation of melt water. They are too dirty, in addition, after thawing, this water may have an unpleasant smell or taste.
- Do not freeze water in metal containers, better use for this purpose plastic bottles. It is desirable to mark them "for drinking water».
- During the freezing of water is recommended to remove (throw) the first piece of ice formed. He is like a magnet draws in harmful substances in the water are best deleted. In a similar way you can come and thaw water. The core of ice that has not had time to melt, it is recommended to throw.
- The optimal number, which should be frozen "at a time" should fit your daily needs (500-1000 ml.) It is best to freeze and take daily fresh melt water at home than "namorozit" once a week for the future of water.