The naivete of modern humans ...

Women are so surprised walking around half-naked in the streets, when they are someone staring. Are you really surprised? In most cases you do (perhaps subconsciously) like. This is me, however, it is very well taught India. There's going to open a garment is considered unsafe and disrespectful to the woman herself. Despite the 50-degree heat - we would be in a swimsuit, probably, in this weather, everything would go. I personally have nothing against short clothes I have, especially in hot weather, but wear it is now very rare, and putting it on, I notice that I perceived quite differently. If you really do not want you staring, dress modestly. Men, in turn, do not be so sure of himself, considering that women do it for you (think about the weather).

Men wishing myself silly girl as his wife ... Well, this is just an indicator of your low self-esteem, the desire to assert itself at her expense. But you forget about your children. And it is not just genetics. It will educate them in the first years of life children spend with them most of the time. Psychologists have proved that even those years are of great importance in shaping the personality of the human psyche and in the future ...
For some reason, now a lot of talk about what a woman should obey man - this is ridiculous. Okay, so people lived in traditional culture - but they lived mainly in the established system of the scheme, ie, The system solves more than the men themselves ... Now everyone lives in different ways. And do you really so confident in their own opinion, they think that the only true ?! And women and children, it turns out, their slaves - no opinion and the right to choose how they live. One can not always be right, wrong everything and you will too. But, however, not too few women, saying, "I do not want to decide anything," the women who really like rough men. But more women listen to men for their own benefit.
The same can be said about podkabluchnichestvo! Marriage - is the union, not the subordination of one another,
and decisions should be made together, not always someone one has to suffer being slighted.

Actually, as modern people looking for a couple - not normal. Everyone wants to be loved, not loving all looking for a parti (economic man a woman, the woman secured the man and other options) - all this to do with love is not. Love a person. At the same time, this does not mean that all this person is allowed to just advance the search for selfish interests do not call yourself then love ... you fall in love with what they were looking in that you receive from this partner. And if not, start trying to remake it. This applies to all aspects: to ask to change the appearance, try to get married, to alter interest, to make love their interests and to subordinate under his views, etc ... Women who do not want a man to drink, often not worried about his health, and his feelings . Men who force wives to cook vegetarian meat they do not realize that it is not laziness and moral views, which can be attributed to the religious. All this violence, shredding the person you are talking to her "love" ... To avoid this, both need to give each other the freedom to be yourself, to accept the views of the other person, just simply. But the result will be, but when it does, both ... Love - is when a person does something voluntarily, when really wants to do it. And when you think you should, because you so wish - you just selfish. The ability to love truly do not all the people, a very small number of them - it needs to mature mentally.

Women complain that all men goats, and men, that all women need only money. At the same time, and they both are wrong in saying this about all. It is not, but the paradox is that good girls tend to really meet the goats, and the good guys - bitches who need money. And it appears that good people like to masochists. Yes, this is the forgiving love and sacrifice, shielding eyes to the shortcomings (the idea that people will change ... never do not think so!), And attract those who are willing to use it. Who wants to get that kind of love itself. Until you begin to love yourself and also to look at people without illusions, without dub one size fits all, considering all the bad, nothing good happens. It also does not forget about the fact that thoughts are material, and thinking about all the bad, you're no good will attract. And perhaps next to you already have good people that you just do not notice because they think of them worse than they really are - just because of their blind prejudice?
By the way, the views. I do not understand why it is now so much fake relationship, false friendship and the people it does not tear the relationship? Why are they named? Why deal with the people who will discuss behind you? No, people can think of anything, but why would they communicate with the person whom they think is bad? For the sake of profit? Well, now it was for the sake of politeness benefits ...? It's not polite. Politeness should be present when the grandmother really want to give up seat on the bus. And it's a lie. You mess up your life such relations. And they really do not need you. You say that because you can really stay the same? But I think it's better than having a bunch of fake friends ...

Yes, all for the sake of money. Money has become the new god. People want a lot of money without even knowing why. They want to "do nothing." So sit down on the couch and do nothing! Believe me, you quickly get bored! No, they want more money for pathos and ... People climb in loans for him. For the purchase of a huge number of things are not always necessary. After all, someone "bad think," if you do not have the iPhone, like everyone ... For the sake of celebrating a huge number of festivals, which invited all their false friends and relatives who do not want to see ... on only one wedding people are willing to spend an annual salary two people get into loans. Q: WHY? For the sake of pathos. All for the sake of it. It is due to vanity than his own, even if the excessive demands, the company has become a consumer. Almost everything. But those who want quick money this just enjoy. What now do food? That's just terrible. We are actually slowly killing for their own benefit.
Indeed greatly surprised the power of modern humans. Even knowing about the harmfulness of such food, people do not stop there ... it is now even saying "is roasted cock does not bite ..." is not working. People are really food addicts. They are not prepared to have to break away from chemicals in food, even knowing that soon will die because of them. Even at a young age. People have turned themselves into garbage cans. Besides teaching and their children (those in effect an early age, sit down much faster). At the same time the body of the nature of this food is not necessary. But no one really thought about it. As if the body is not connected with nature ...

But so it has to take "normal" for all desire to be popular in the social. networks, especially instagram. Think about this nonsense that people buy their subscribers, huskies, shake for each subscriber ... Another WHY ??? Clearly, when online shopping, brands - they want the audience to sales, it is clear that this media entity and models including - as Now Europe is the fact that it's starting to make a difference in the choice of model casting ... But just the people who it does nothing. Why do you need this false, bought for the account of your popularity? After all, it is always noticeable when subscribers are fake, believe me. You're self-esteem, and does not pick up the most, knowing that it is a lie. About You "good" think? Well, yes ... It exists to make your vanity ...
And if you look closely at these issues, in them all, you will see only one underlying reason - vanity - dependence on the opinions of others, the desire to love everyone. As it turns out, is "harmless" desire can hurt ...
I'm not talking about people who believe in all that they say on TV. Even if the history of each country treats its own way ... All of this is presented in a form which is easiest to manage people ...
But this is quite banal moments, people are considered normal. But if you do something different from the "normal" patterns of mentality in which you are destined to live, you will have much more complicated. In addition to countless tactless questions, there is usually still quite aggressive debate - in an attempt to convince you. If you want something more exaggerated moral principles, you will try to pull down - back into the swamp of thinking, in which all swim. People do not like the "other". It is easier to communicate with people with similar thinking.
(Unfortunately, the author is unknown)