That's why you wake up 5 minutes before the alarm
Site found out where does the habit of the body to wake up a little earlier than expected. Despite the disappointment over the "not have enough sleep" five to ten minutes, you should know that it is absolutely normalno.Po fact, our body - perfectly tuned machine, and this machine likes predictability: the work of the body is most effective when there is a routine sequence. So if you fall asleep and wake up at the same time for several days, the internal clock adjust to this schedule.
sleep-wake cycle is regulated by a protein PER. Protein level rises and falls throughout the day, reaching a peak in the evening and at night fall. When the PER is low, your blood pressure falls, heart rate slows down, and thinking becomes vague - you become drowsy.
If you wake up every day at the same time, the body learns to produce enough PER at the right time - about an hour before waking up with the level of PER body temperature and blood pressure begins to rise. To prepare for the stress of waking body produces a cocktail of stress hormones - cortisol.
That's why you wake up before the alarm. Your body hates the Service - for it is a rude awakening is stress, shock.
By the way, if you do not wake up to an alarm clock, you probably will not fill up or go to sleep not on the schedule
You press the snooze button, and because your body is awake, even under stress, subsequent REM sleep even more confuses the internal clock. Hormones that help you fall asleep, mixed with hormones that help you to wake up - the body is confused, and with each repeated wake-up call is only getting worse. So that morning trills - this is the worst way to start the day.
via factroom.ru

sleep-wake cycle is regulated by a protein PER. Protein level rises and falls throughout the day, reaching a peak in the evening and at night fall. When the PER is low, your blood pressure falls, heart rate slows down, and thinking becomes vague - you become drowsy.
If you wake up every day at the same time, the body learns to produce enough PER at the right time - about an hour before waking up with the level of PER body temperature and blood pressure begins to rise. To prepare for the stress of waking body produces a cocktail of stress hormones - cortisol.
That's why you wake up before the alarm. Your body hates the Service - for it is a rude awakening is stress, shock.
By the way, if you do not wake up to an alarm clock, you probably will not fill up or go to sleep not on the schedule
You press the snooze button, and because your body is awake, even under stress, subsequent REM sleep even more confuses the internal clock. Hormones that help you fall asleep, mixed with hormones that help you to wake up - the body is confused, and with each repeated wake-up call is only getting worse. So that morning trills - this is the worst way to start the day.
via factroom.ru