10 products that are useful at high pressure.
1. Low-fat cottage cheese strengthens the heart, vasodilatation, a source of calcium, magnesium and potassium. Every day you need to eat at least 100 grams of cheese.
2 red bell peppers contain a record amount of vitamin C. hypertensive patients need to eat it at every opportunity. If every day to eat two fresh peppers, it will cover the body's need for vitamin C.
3. Salmon - a source of omega-3 fatty acids and good help reduce high blood pressure. Good use it 3 times a week for 100-150 grams.
4. Oatmeal should be on the menu every morning hypertension. Research has shown that oats - a source of replenishment of the body selenium, it has a lot of fiber.
5. Pumpkin seeds make up the deficit of zinc and prevent heart attacks. It is enough to eat 20 grams a day instead of a snack.
6. Cocoa improves the condition of blood vessels. But this high-calorie drink. Suffice it to 1-2 cups per week, no more.
7. Skim milk contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins, and improves the hypertensive state. You can drink up to 3 cups a day.
8. Dark chocolate strengthens the heart muscle, contains antioxidants and can lower blood pressure by 5-10 mm. In large quantities, it has no need.
9. Almonds contain monozhiry and lowers cholesterol. This nut has potassium, magnesium, vitamin E - is all that is necessary to reduce the pressure.
10. Green tea with regular use plug dissolves cholesterol, contains a lot of antioxidants, prevents aging of the organism. In Japan, almost did not suffer from hypertension, and more than anyone in the world drink green tea.