15 most bizarre people in Russia
Among us there are people who are a little different from everyone else. His appearance, behavior, actions, or unusual enthusiasm. Many consider them eccentric, but without them the world would definitely be less bright and interesting. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" asked colleagues from different parts of our vast country to talk about fellow countrymen, who hit them, fascinated or shocked - and possibly even forced to revise the outlook on what is considered the norm. Website Get a list published amazing personalities.
1. Man platypus from Perm h2> Eugene Bolotov - bodimodifikator, he is experimenting on their appearance. He's on the lips of the plate, the bottom is stretched by 60 mm, top 33 mm. And he plans to stretch their "forever." He stretches and earlobes made tunnels in the nose between the nostrils and now can safely pass the pencil. And he pierced himself nasal cartilage, and now his nose was bent like clay. Zhenya is very proud of the fact that he is the only owner of such a piercing on the planet.
2. Maiden from Tolyatti h2> From the back Galina Kuterevoy can not give more than 20 years: a slim girlish figure and long hair. Only on closer inspection it is noticeable that they are gray. Seeing how it goes in a frost the snowdrifts in a sundress and sandals, people are frightened. The drivers stop and offer a warm and lift. Many men are ready to take off his jacket and take her home. But Galina Kutereva always just laughed in response. "I'm not cold in winter, and in summer is not hot. I present Snow Maiden ».
3. Janitor artist from Izhevsk h2> For his '52 Semen Bukharin worked and fire and miner. Three years ago he retired. Janitor got to school. Then do not think that this is where he decorator by training, will find his calling. Instead of brushes - a shovel. Instead of canvas - the school yard. The idea to create the snow came spontaneously - advised the students. They are also grateful to become spectators. Semen Bukharin is not eager for fame. He says it's all for the kids. Shkolota in response to calls him a great artist.
4. Boy Magnet from the Omsk region h2> Kohl second graders from the village of Water, which is located 160 kilometers from Omsk, was the hero of the Internet. News of the schoolboy, to the body which "stick" the coins, spoons, ladle, spread throughout Russia, and even appeared on the pages of foreign publications. "We celebrated 4 years, dabbled with spoons, it stuck to my nose. Then he remembered, tried again "- responds to a question about Kohl's how he discovered his superpowers.
5. Lady Gaga look-alike from Samara h2> It is now exactly Sasha Gusev at the boy did not like: the long straight hair, a thin waist, chest high, bright makeup. This made her surgery. At age 17 she changed her sex. Doctors have found in Novosibirsk clinic: hormonal preparations, complicated operation cost 900 thousand rubles, and the long months of rehabilitation. Then there were three more operations 9 and corrections of face and body. Woman Who except Lady Sasha called. This name is "stuck" to it thanks to the new image. A girl stands in a show of twins, copy Lady Gaga. The first performances went on hurray. Now samarchanka using similarity with the star, earns a good idea at corporate parties. The images she thinks, and costumes helps her mother to sew.
6. The girl with a tattoo on his face from Saransk h2> Russian tattoo artist Ruslan Tumanyants from Saransk became notorious throughout the world after have drawn 56 stars on the face of a teenage girl from Belgium, and the face of his new girl - own name capital letters. The new "victim" Ruslan name Lesya, they were born in the same city. She allowed a tattoo on his face just a day after they met. The boys met at "Facebook". Now on the face of Lesia flaunts the name "Ruslan", written in large Gothic letters. Les explained that she did it out of love and devotion to her lover.
7. 83-year-old athlete from Dagestan h2> Abdurhaman Abdulazizov set a world record, having managed to lift a load of 81, 5 kg. It is almost thirty kilos more than the previous weight of 53 kilograms, which raised the hair athlete from Poland Johanna Savicka in 2011. Record Abdulazizova was recorded with the utmost rigor and got into the Guinness Book of Records.
8. The girl with the face of Barbie and Ken muscles from Saratov h2> The huge eyes half-face, full lips and a mop of curly hair - about the face of Julia Vince and I want to say, "the girl such a girl." And now omit the eyes as follows: biceps, triceps, cubes on the belly and the back ... all mountain terrain. The girl from Saratov can pick up and lift over the head of the adult man, even two if they are not too well-fed. In training, the athlete with the puppet face lifts in the bench press 100 kilograms in the deadlift 160-180 kilogram, sit down - 170 kg. This pauerliftersha itself weighs only 64! And she's only 18 years old!
9. Lucifer from Perm h2> In Perm, a young couple named their son Lucifer.
10. King cents from Novosibirsk h2> 60-year-old pensioner Yuri Babin - known character in Novosibirsk. Back in the 1990s, he began to collect pennies coins, so much so carried away that his whole house was filled trifle. It is everywhere: on the floor, in pots with flowers on the windowsills. Altogether Babina many as 7 tons of coins! The reporters jokingly nicknamed unusual numismatist King cents. Babina even invited to the Congress weirdos in New York, however, because of the financial problems of such a tempting offer Siberians had to be abandoned. Former military decided to change his name to a very unusual - President of the Great-Russian-Babin. That is, in four words and a hyphen! Employees in the registrar's office he refused, citing the fact that he could not contain the name of more than one word in different cases. In general, it seems, will allow family dispute only the court.
11. Piper L. from Kaliningrad h2> Alexander Smirnov L. (or L. as everyone calls him) - a man walking across the city dressed as a chimney sweep, never missed a major holiday in Kaliningrad. "I was at these celebrations nobody calls - I'll come back", - he said. House chief chimney sweep Kaliningrad turned into a fortress, which continues to be built on a daily basis. Windows insane shapes L. decorate homemade tiles. Furniture, too, makes itself. Over the past year on its territory he appeared house that L. calls the "Museum of the chimney sweep».
12. Man-patter from Novosibirsk h2> In fact, parents guy got quite a simple Russian name - Alex, but now it is none other than the passport as Lomion Horvegraug Morion Nornoros Yaere, a'Moritarnon. Total 45 letters! Since childhood heroes favorite books were the knights of the boy, and the University - he has become an avid rolevikov and reconstructor, even the master medieval chainmail yes helmets. And one day, he said, reflected his roots. Allegedly found the names of ancient ancestors, who were Poles, and put them into a new verbal construction. Long she, however, got - a lot of ancestors were. Even after all the possible cuts to get such a name, that language is broken. When the eccentric come to the registrar to change the passport data, the staff, of course, puzzled. But scratching their heads, looked through laws and adopted a statement .... But where to go? By law, a Russian citizen has the right to be called as he pleases. Soon the name of the knighthood to occupy a position in the passport - somehow it fit. But friends call simply and without any insignia - Morionych.
13. Man-steel jaws of Togliatti h2> Ravil Kravchuk nicknamed Rabbi great in front of the crowd craned their teeth three cars total weight of more than four tons - and dragged them as much as 20 meters! "For me to smuggle 4 tons - not a record - says the athlete. - I still can not! In 2002, the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II I reached double-decker bus in which there were a hundred passengers weighing about 7 tons. This achievement has been fixed commission of Guinness World Records. By the way, there I was the only Russian who spoke. " To achieve impressive results, Ravil dedicated to extreme sports for 20 years. First athlete raised teeth weights, then 10 and 50 kilogram of pancakes, and finally trained jaw muscles to such a degree that can keep the post 120 kg! However, during a stunt at Ravil teeth broke, so I had to insert the implants.
14. Vedeveshnitsa from Ekaterinburg Julia h2> The father of two children, reckless football player and well-known sports journalist Yekaterinburg suddenly changed the floor. And this is not an anecdote. Jura for many years worked as a sports columnist for the newspaper "replaced!" And then the press service of the Sverdlovsk militia, which he left in the "Ural worker". It is pretty, well, maybe a little gloomy guy, football player, sports fan. And then it seemed to have changed. He began drinking hormonal pills that are etched in his appearance beautiful masculine traits. Army khaki pants prefer pink skirts. Finally, friends began to ask himself called Julia.
15. 78-year-old student from Kiselevsk h2> Retired from Kiselevsk (Kemerovo region) Alexander Kuzmich Trusov receives the fourth degree (first humanitarian - after three technical). He is now in his second year. And when he will receive a diploma, he will have 82 minutes for a year! But he himself superstudentom, extreme, original and eccentric did not believe. And an increased interest in him on the part of students, to cry in his address concerns patiently as his grandfather - grandchildren.