Five secret societies, completes the fate of the world
Secret societies have always attracted people is the inability to penetrate the veil of secrecy. But something about the interests of such clubs still known. < Website is about the most influential secret societies in the world.
1. "The Order of Freemasons" or Masons h2> The Order has been around for a very long time. Members of the Society share of all people to the profane and those who are initiated into the great mystery. Regarding the origin of the Order has many versions: they are Roman craft associations, and the Crusaders, and the Order of King Solomon, and even patriarchal religion.
2. "Skull and Bones» h2>
3. The Trilateral Commission h2> The well-known banker David Rockefeller founded the committee in 1973. In this he was helped by a Harvard professor Zbigniew Brzezinski and the chairman of the "Chase Manhattan Bank».
4. Opus Dei (Latin. "Work of the Lord») h2> Opus Dei - a secret Catholic community is under the patronage of the Pope. At present, society is in the status of personal prelature, not only servants of God can be to him, but also laymen.
5. The Templars, or the Poor Knights of Christ h2> Ancient Order with a very rich history, the world's first religious military order. At the very beginning, XII-XIII vvek order was very rich, but then, when the Egyptian Sultan expelled the Crusaders from Palestine, their situation has deteriorated. In 1307-1314 he was a member of the Order were arrested, tortured and executed by the French king Philip IV. In 1312, the Order was abolished.
1. "The Order of Freemasons" or Masons h2> The Order has been around for a very long time. Members of the Society share of all people to the profane and those who are initiated into the great mystery. Regarding the origin of the Order has many versions: they are Roman craft associations, and the Crusaders, and the Order of King Solomon, and even patriarchal religion.
«Favorites" people have a chance to know the mysteries of the universe and the universe. Secrets can grasp with special rituals and using special props, seemingly naive: candles, dagger, Bible, compasses, and other bones. Each item carries a sacred meaning. For example bone mean contempt for death and almost its negation. Dagger, on the contrary, a symbol of death preferences.
Entered the Society of Freemasons, his penis is forever loyal to his newfound ideals.
2. "Skull and Bones» h2>
In 1832, William Russell, senior students at Yale University, founded this community. It was aimed to prepare students to ensure that they can manage various elements spheres of society.
The coat of arms shows a number of communities, "322", which means either encrypted date of foundation of society, or an indication that the club - the second such community in the world.
Every year, the club may receive only 15 newcomers. And all of them are leaders in their fields. The selection procedure looked strange newcomers stripped naked, lay in a coffin and told the details of his life .... Comrades, listen, and then to keep this secret. In American history, there was a period when he says that the country is ruled by "Skull and Bones", as Jorde Bush allegedly a member of the community. But this version has not been confirmed.
3. The Trilateral Commission h2> The well-known banker David Rockefeller founded the committee in 1973. In this he was helped by a Harvard professor Zbigniew Brzezinski and the chairman of the "Chase Manhattan Bank».
The aim of the community was a hardening of relations between Western Europe, Japan and North America. Some believed that the Trilateral Commission wants to monopolize political power, concentrating it in his hands.
There is also a view that the Commission had to do with the Soviet perestroika period. According to the last published in 2002, the list of the committee members, it consisted of a lot of powerful people: Richard Cheney, who was then vice-president of the United States; Donald Hamsfeld, US Secretary of Defense and former Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Director of the Institute of International Relations of China, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury.
4. Opus Dei (Latin. "Work of the Lord») h2> Opus Dei - a secret Catholic community is under the patronage of the Pope. At present, society is in the status of personal prelature, not only servants of God can be to him, but also laymen.
The Society was founded by the Spanish priests in 1928, which later in '74 was canonized and canonized.
Members of the public say that divide people into those who are close to God and laity - is dishonest and wrong. Everyone can do God's work. Holiness is acquired by the fact that you're just doing their job, because God is where there is work
Members of the public mercilessly torturing and engaged in self-flagellation, to purify the soul from the contamination. They believe they can make anything if you learn to overcome his own pain.
5. The Templars, or the Poor Knights of Christ h2> Ancient Order with a very rich history, the world's first religious military order. At the very beginning, XII-XIII vvek order was very rich, but then, when the Egyptian Sultan expelled the Crusaders from Palestine, their situation has deteriorated. In 1307-1314 he was a member of the Order were arrested, tortured and executed by the French king Philip IV. In 1312, the Order was abolished.
The exact number is unknown Knights: in history has a tendency that it artificially increases. The "Atheist Dictionary" stated 15,000 followers, a German priest, evangelist believed that the Templars about 20 000. These numbers do not correlate with the number of knights that took part in the war with the Order.
Particular attention is paid to the treasure of the Knights Templar, as members of the order have enormous riches
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