5 facts about the peculiarities of the psychology of women who do not know even the women themselves
Site found some quite incredible facts about women! No, it's really startling facts. For example, what do you say to that ... Women looking sad and angry man h3> The women attach great importance to the emotional side of the relationship, in particular, for virtually any woman, it is important to partner shared her own feelings and experiences. If a woman sees that the partner is sad or angry, it perceives this as a sign of confidence on the part of men and experiencing this emotional satisfaction. The more a man shows his negative emotions (despite the fact that the stronger sex such behavior is not typical), the couple will be happier.
A woman needs more time to settle down after a conflict h3> This is due to a number of physiological factors: women are naturally more emotional than men, because she nervous system is more sensitive, and more responsive to stimuli. Therefore, when the quarrel is already finished, the nervous system for some time is in an excited state, and continues to transmit signals to the brain that the conflict continues. Often this is the reason that the quarrel to the next level and is a new reason for disagreement.
Men can be manipulated with the help of a woman smiling h3> If a man when you try to manipulate a woman, for example, giving her instructions, smiles, then the probability that a woman succumb to manipulation, several times higher. The fact that women are instinctively perceived as a manifestation of a smile warm feelings. Also, women in communication attaches great importance to the language of the body, rather than the spoken word, so a smile can cause misunderstanding statements, whether even hurtful joke or sexist remarks. The same effect has often women look straight in the eye.
Kissing is much more important than sex h3> This conclusion was based on the survey results. 90% of women surveyed said that first kiss means to them more and remembered brighter than the first sexual experience. Kiss a woman is often a way to feel and express the depth of relations. Moreover, the more often and longer lasting kissing just before intimate contact, the stronger the desire, and sharper than the pleasure of intimacy.
A beautiful woman is almost always healthy h3> The beauty of a woman's life is paramount in any age. Women tend to take care of themselves and monitor their appearance more carefully than men because instinctively feel that healthy skin is beautiful and strong body can attract the best partner, and therefore more likely to fulfill the main function inherent nature - motherhood. External beauty is a sure sign of the health of the whole organism.