10 coolest Christmas traditions
New Year's Day is getting closer, and the heart is languishing in anticipation of a miracle ... This site contains a selection of exciting activities, which shall be made by people of different countries during the Christmas holidays. In Australia Santa Claus appears on the board for surfing h3> Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere, Christmas so they fall on the height of summer. And since the heat on the street, no one to sit in front of TV do not want, and the people rush to the beach. So it is not surprising that there is a Santa Claus comes from the ocean on a surfboard.
In Austria, young men dress up in monster called "Krampus" and roam the streets frightening children h3> In Austria, Christmas - not only a holiday, but also a reason to rein in unruly children. Young men dressed in a terrible creature called "Krampus" - with goat horns, bells and rods. As such, they accompany St. Nicholas (which replaces the country of Santa Claus and Santa Claus). Good obedient saint gives gifts to children, and its antipode Krampus threatens to put those who are of good behavior in a bag and carry in his terrible cave.
The Danish Christmas need to placate the mischievous elf named Nisse h3> Danish family preparing his elf rice pudding or porridge. It is believed that if this is not done, Nisse can steal all the presents before the kids wake up.
The Finnish Christmas decided to visit the graves of ancestors h3> In the Finnish tradition at Christmas to be with family to visit the cemetery to have respect for the dead relatives.
In France, children bedtime leave their shoes by the fireplace to Pere Noel could fill it with gifts h3> Going to bed on Christmas night, French children leave shoes by the fireplace. When Pere Noel (Father Frost French) brings gifts, then arranges them in the appropriate shoes and boots, and small toys, fruits and nuts, hanging on the tree.
In Britain children drop a letter Father Christmas burning fireplace h3> British children write their wishes on pieces of paper, but instead to send the mail, thrown into a burning fireplace, hoping the smoke will lift them through the pipe and will carry to the North Pole. If the letter does not have time to get up and light up, the child will have to write another.
In India, instead of trees decorate mango trees and banana palms h3> In India, the majority of the population professes Hinduism or Islam, but that a small part of that is celebrating Christmas, dress up in this festival banana palms and mango trees.
Mexico made beating plate in a sign of farewell to the outgoing year h3> In the Mexican state of Oaxaca on Christmas decided to organize processions of lanterns drenched streets and knock on every door, seeking refuge depicting Mary and Joseph. Reaching the local church, people are hitting the ceramic plates, which symbolizes the farewell to the old year.
Norway hide brooms - that witches do not be naughty h3> The Norwegians believe that on Christmas Eve in the sky, bustling witches and other malevolent spirits. And because the brooms are considered to be the main means of transportation witch, the Norwegian hoard their adopted homes in secluded places.
In Catalonia, the children "knock out" gifts of Christmas logs h3> A few days before Christmas in the homes of Catalonia (Spain) is mounted on special props Christmas log, before the holiday children carefully sheltering it with blankets at night and "feed" day . A Christmas log in the fireplace, and carry kids beat him with sticks that fell out of it a little small presents.