Four year old boy alone earned on cancer treatment
Website learned quite amazing and you could even say piercing case: a little boy suffering from leukemia, he earns his treatment! How come? Details nizhe.Andryusha from Ukraine to Belarus cured of leukemia. The amount of treatment was completely unaffordable for the child's family. However, the man did not despair and began to make snowmen for sale. He molded them even during chemotherapy! After it began to write on the Internet, Andrew realized that his products are very popular. Snowman on sale do not even have, because they ordered thousands! And the money already collected for treatment.
«The last two days my wife and I do not sleep: Only yesterday I had 1800 incoming SMS messages and incoming calls 800. People are calling from France, Spain, Dubai and asked to send them snegovichkov, the shipment they are willing to pay for themselves, - said Andrei Anton dad. - Someone lists 100 dollars, and someone says that they do not need snegovichki, just the money list. Many are willing to wait years snowman!
Who is Andrew's mother in Ukraine, which went on urgent business.
"If we have money left over, we will list them to other sick children, - says Anton. - Recently we were in Cherkassy children's oncology center, which brought saline - there was not even that ... »
This inspiring story can be very useful in the magical pre-Christmas time! Editorial Website Andryusha wished a speedy recovery and his parents - patience and effort.
via belarus.dirty.ru/chetyrekhletnii-malchik-zarabotal-sam-na-lechenie-raka-903710/

«The last two days my wife and I do not sleep: Only yesterday I had 1800 incoming SMS messages and incoming calls 800. People are calling from France, Spain, Dubai and asked to send them snegovichkov, the shipment they are willing to pay for themselves, - said Andrei Anton dad. - Someone lists 100 dollars, and someone says that they do not need snegovichki, just the money list. Many are willing to wait years snowman!
Who is Andrew's mother in Ukraine, which went on urgent business.
"If we have money left over, we will list them to other sick children, - says Anton. - Recently we were in Cherkassy children's oncology center, which brought saline - there was not even that ... »
This inspiring story can be very useful in the magical pre-Christmas time! Editorial Website Andryusha wished a speedy recovery and his parents - patience and effort.
via belarus.dirty.ru/chetyrekhletnii-malchik-zarabotal-sam-na-lechenie-raka-903710/