This special GYMNASTICS It is for the knee, which restores JOINT FULL !!!

Wrapped with rags to his knees and pounded the ice with his hands on chairs, start walking on kolenyah.Snachala you make 2-3 steps, then 5-10.
Will be spent on a "walking" around three months.
Then try again holding on to chairs and sitting on his lap, dropping pyatki.Eto difficult, painful, but the pain is necessary to breathe in the affected joint sound 'Ha! ».
Placed under the knees roll, sit a bit, 5-10 seconds on it.
Gradually bring the exercise to three to five minutes.
After 3-4 months you can without pain falls on the heels.
A third exercise perform sitting, stretching it.
Through the pain in the calf muscle behind the knee and pull your fingers big toe itself.
And still the surest exercise squats. With a straight back, holding on to a fixed support.
Completing these procedures should be cold shower.
Do not heat the knee, not pumped out of the liquid is SAVE THEM AS apple of the eye !!!