Tips dietitian
1. How many were telling the world that the 2 liters a day, the minimum necessary for an adult.
3. For mild activation of the digestive tract after you wake up, it is recommended to drink on an empty stomach 1 cup of water. After all morning procedures, after 30 minutes allowed Breakfast.
4. Before the meal, take it a rule to drink water for half an hour. Food was not drink. After a meal - drink no earlier than 40 minutes.
5. Plan your diet for 5-6 meals throughout the day (and thus the body will not go into power save mode and accumulate as fat).
6. The last meal should be up to 3 hours before bedtime. Drinking water is allowed at any time.
7. Develop the habit of drinking coffee and tea without sugar and without any additives.
8. Consume potatoes no more than 2 times a week. Only boiled or baked form.
9. Grapes and bananas, some of the most high-calorie foods, so limit yourself, let them wait for that moment when you grow thin. Recommendations are the same as for the potatoes, not more than 2 times per week.
10. Discharge day without harm to figure 1 can be carried out once a week.
11. The activity of the cardiovascular system to the maximum 18 hours, respectively, it is the right time for training.
12. Always remember about sports. Easy charging the morning and evening. These activities will disperse metabolism. It is always possible, or run or stretch, but generally not hard to find video courses.
13. The ideal time for sports c 17.00 to 20.00. See para. 11.
14. Breakfast is the most important stage of the day, never miss it!
15. Lunch is well suited soups, broths, salads, boiled not fatty meat, vegetables, fruit.
16. On the afternoon tea is well suited yogurt, salad, yogurt, boiled not fatty meat, vegetables.
17. At dinner, well suited: a light salad, cottage cheese, yogurt, or a little stewed vegetables.
18. Fruits are best eaten in the morning.
19. Pro fried foods do not remember and throw out all the recipes.
20. Served with sour cream or natural yogurt. Well, or oil. Mayonnaise in the trash.
21. Forget about semi-finished products; fast food, seeds, nuts salty chips and things like that. Sweet water is impossible, if you want to lose weight. From sweets made a small piece of black chocolate, it is desirable and in the first half of the day.
22. The fat and flour hold measures if they are completely excluded from the diet, you will be nervous and in constant depression, leading to binge!
23. Eat small portions. One meal is not more than 200 grams, but 5-6 times a day.
24. Take Me Establishments small bowl and Eat a teaspoon. At first it will be difficult, exactly 7 days, and then the stomach will decrease and you will eat less in general.