The recipe of this cheese "Philadelphia"

Delicate and sweet cheese "Philadelphia" is often used for the preparation of creams, desserts, cheesecakes and other interesting dishes. Therefore, Website has decided to share the recipe curd cheese, which is very similar to the expensive shops original.
You will need:
1 liter of milk 0, 5 liters of yogurt 1 egg (or 4 quail) 1 h. liter. salt 1 h. liter. sugar 1 hour. l. lemon juice Preparation:
Milk to boil, remove from heat. Add salt and sugar. Stir the milk, pour yogurt (room temperature). The mixture was stirring until the milk is not curdle. In a colander lay cheesecloth, folded in 4 layers, or cotton waffle towel. Under a colander, place a container to collect serum. Tilt the hot mass in a colander. Within 15-20 minutes whey drain. At this time, periodically stir the mass, since whey will depart from cheese (do not wring your hands a lot!). Egg whisk with citric acid to a foamy state. Continuing to whisk, add the portions not yet chilled cottage cheese into the egg. Should get a uniform air curd. The resulting curd mass to cool and place in refrigerator for 12 hours. Bon appetit!
via gotovimvse.com/recipes/142/