15 dizzying facts that sound like a lie

Usually in life is the opposite: something that sounds like the truth is proving to be a lie. But in this selection we decided to go on the reverse.

Today Website gathered for you some of the facts that the world really is not what it seems.

min Benji Franklin he was not the president of the United States h3>

The settlement Longyearbyen is forbidden by law to die h3>

Cyprus Santa Claus name Vasily h3>

If the room there are 23 people, then a 50% chance the two of them will be a birthday the same day. h3>

The Brain from Neanderthal was more than we do. h3>

The mankind landed on the moon before invented a suitcase on wheels h3>

When building the pyramids of Egypt, the world still living mammoths h3>

Laziness inherited h3>

The national animal of Scotland - Unicorn h3>

Saudi Arabia imports of camels in Australia h3>

Nintendo was founded in 1889, more than 120 years ago h3>

Titanic cost $ 7, 5 million. The film - US $ 200 million. h3>

70% oxygen producing phytoplankton h3>

On Saturn and Jupiter rains from diamonds h3>

Matthew effect on the body as a painkiller h3>

Now live with it

30 facts about animals that lift your mood

via www.adme.ru/zhizn-zhivotnye/30-faktov-o-zhivotnyh-kotorye-podnimut-vam-nastroenie-708160/