In psychiatry, pathological lying is called "fantastic pseudologist"
Here are some interesting facts about the pathological liar
1. If the majority of people sometimes have to lie in order to obtain some benefit, the pathological liar is lying without any purpose, just like that. Most often, this lie is innocent and can easily be disclosed, but it is useless to expose the dreamer, he does not care.
2. It is much rarer, but still found the opposite deviation - pathological "pravdoruba." Such people can not lie under any circumstances, even if the lie is absolutely necessary. The most common pathological truthfulness in people with developmental disorders: autism and Asperger's Syndrome.
3. Common lies resorted to from time to time people considered absolutely normal. Moreover, our closest "relatives", primates, lying like themselves constantly. For example, chimpanzees are intentional deception to lead the other chimpanzees from a source of delicious food. Lies lies in our level of instincts.
4. It's amazing, but scientifically proven: the brain of pathological liars is significantly different from normal human brain. It contains an average of 22% more white matter and 14% less gray matter. So such people - innate liars. Yet the motives that compel a person to lie constantly, until now unknown to science. Apparently, the case in some special pleasure, which can get from lying pathological liars.
5. As for ordinary liars, then there are many ways to understand that you are lying. For example, these 10 ways to detect lies.
via factroom.ru
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