Irina Medvedev: the Lack of sexual shame — a sign of schizophrenia
We live in a society in which gross psychiatric symptoms — those symptoms which belong to this psychiatry are issued for the standards of fashion and behavior, - says Irina Medvedeva, the Director of the Public Institute of the demographic safety.
Mental destruction leads to a violation of morality, and moral distortions necessarily entail a mental strain.
The conviction Medvedeva, is an artificial mental contamination of the Russian people, especially the younger generation, and even children. This is sometimes called "sexual enlightenment", sometimes offered something different, with all sorts of nasty things, poison to the morals of man, for his psyche is served in a very nice "humanistic above".
"Note, — said the psychiatrist, is now actively promoted slovenliness dirty greasy hair, torn stockings, torn jeans, floors coats or shirts of different length or buttoned on the wrong buttons.
In psychiatric hospitals know that in history there is a graph: the neatness of the patient. If the patient is unkempt, it is an indicator of very severe psychiatric disorders.
When a person wears torn socks or stockings, washing her hair or buttoning your shirt wrong, this is a psychiatric symptom that today, unfortunately, exists as a characteristic of youth fashion".
"Or take the heroes of many militants and thrillers — it's superpowered people who solve their problems, smashing and destroying all animate and inanimate in its path. This effect in psychiatry called hypoid schizophrenia, in which youth combines pathological cruelty with pathological dullness of his heart-a pathological indifference," — says Medvedev.
Another human quality — excessive rationalism, which today is imposed as pragmatism. This is also a sign of schizophrenia.
The layman often thinks that the schizophrenic irrational. This is not so. Schizophrenic too rational, but it is insensitive. Actually this is "less emotion, more pragmatism," and call young people today the ideologists of the new fashion, but this is a very serious symptom.
What is the destruction of sexual shame from the point of view of psychiatry? According to Irina Medvedeva, "it's not just the imposition of various kinds of perversions, the type of voyeurism (when on the TV show what's happening in other people's bedrooms), but to promote seksopatologicheskih deviations. And the sexual pathology is part of psychopathology".
But most importantly in the destruction of intimate shame that telling young people about safe sex, encourage them to satisfy sexual interest, diminishing the value of family and marriage relationships that are a vital element in the construction of a normal psyche. In their absence, the inevitable various disorders, very painful for the psyche. This leads, in particular, to mental degradation of the whole society.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.saphris.ru/otsutstvie-intimnogo-styda-priznak-shizofrenii-psixiatr/

Mental destruction leads to a violation of morality, and moral distortions necessarily entail a mental strain.
The conviction Medvedeva, is an artificial mental contamination of the Russian people, especially the younger generation, and even children. This is sometimes called "sexual enlightenment", sometimes offered something different, with all sorts of nasty things, poison to the morals of man, for his psyche is served in a very nice "humanistic above".
"Note, — said the psychiatrist, is now actively promoted slovenliness dirty greasy hair, torn stockings, torn jeans, floors coats or shirts of different length or buttoned on the wrong buttons.
In psychiatric hospitals know that in history there is a graph: the neatness of the patient. If the patient is unkempt, it is an indicator of very severe psychiatric disorders.

When a person wears torn socks or stockings, washing her hair or buttoning your shirt wrong, this is a psychiatric symptom that today, unfortunately, exists as a characteristic of youth fashion".
"Or take the heroes of many militants and thrillers — it's superpowered people who solve their problems, smashing and destroying all animate and inanimate in its path. This effect in psychiatry called hypoid schizophrenia, in which youth combines pathological cruelty with pathological dullness of his heart-a pathological indifference," — says Medvedev.
Another human quality — excessive rationalism, which today is imposed as pragmatism. This is also a sign of schizophrenia.
The layman often thinks that the schizophrenic irrational. This is not so. Schizophrenic too rational, but it is insensitive. Actually this is "less emotion, more pragmatism," and call young people today the ideologists of the new fashion, but this is a very serious symptom.
What is the destruction of sexual shame from the point of view of psychiatry? According to Irina Medvedeva, "it's not just the imposition of various kinds of perversions, the type of voyeurism (when on the TV show what's happening in other people's bedrooms), but to promote seksopatologicheskih deviations. And the sexual pathology is part of psychopathology".
But most importantly in the destruction of intimate shame that telling young people about safe sex, encourage them to satisfy sexual interest, diminishing the value of family and marriage relationships that are a vital element in the construction of a normal psyche. In their absence, the inevitable various disorders, very painful for the psyche. This leads, in particular, to mental degradation of the whole society.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.saphris.ru/otsutstvie-intimnogo-styda-priznak-shizofrenii-psixiatr/