9 tips to help you create a beautiful press.

1. Limitation and proper selection of fats in the diet. Many oppose this rule because it is contrary to the generally accepted laws of nutrition, and where something will be right. Indeed, it went to fat mass necessary to reduce the intake of carbohydrates but plenty of fat is also a hindrance to the loss of fat mass.
2. Following dietary "1/3 rule". Its essence is simple: wherever you happen to sit at the abundant table, you need to mentally divide the plate, standing in front of you into 3 equal parts. 1/3 is reserved for protein (meat, turkey, fish), and the remaining two parts - a source of carbohydrates (rice, pasta from durum wheat, potatoes, etc.)
3. During the day, you need to eat frequent but small portions. First, you will always feel full. Secondly, the body is easier to cope with small portions. Third, your metabolism will always be running, which helps burn fat.
4. Compliance with the percentage of protein / fat / carbs. For each person account of this relationship is built individually, but the average figures are: 30/20/50.
5. Regular consumption of pure water. Each workout is lost a very large amount of fluid, which can lead to dehydration, in addition, if the drinking 2-3 liters of water per day, will speed up the process of lipolysis (breakdown of fats).
6. Be sure to once a week, allow yourself to something from the forbidden foods in moderation. Greater damage during weight loss is not the will, but in doing so you protect yourself from overeating and failure.
7. Learn to distinguish physiological from psychological hunger. At physiological hunger, the stomach produces a characteristic rumble, and you realize that today would eat anything, even of the most hated products to you, if there are no such feelings, then it is a psychological habit of constantly hungry or snacking.
8. Always combine with tissue fluid. And then, and more conducive to weight loss. Fiber cleans the intestines, and the water quickly displays its contents.
9. Do not be afraid to learn. Always wear a guide to the products, keep a food diary, and always read the label when shopping in a supermarket.
Sample menu for proper nutrition:
Not only will you start to eat right, but also to lose weight!
BREAKFAST: cereal, boiled egg, fruit, tea loaves.
LUNCH: yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt, fruit
LUNCH: a light soup, cereal, low-fat fish, poultry, vegetables.
Afternoon snack: cheese, fruit
Dinner: lean fish, poultry, vegetables.
Late Dinner: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese