1. Waking up, lie down for five minutes with your eyes closed. Then, rub your hands until they become hot. Then massage your ears (ear - remote management of the entire body): the index, middle finger and a great need to take a handful and rub his ear from top to bottom 30 times (thumb when it is behind the ear).
2. Put the right palm on his forehead (in line eyebrows), cover with a left hand, focus on the point of the third eye (between the eyebrows) and slide the skin of the forehead with his hand from side to side 30 times. (By the way, it helps a lot, and a headache).
3. Fold the hand into a fist, knuckles thumb 15 times massage your eyes closed - from the nose to the ears. This exercise improves blood flow to the brain and vision.
4. The right hand put on the area of the thyroid gland, the left - on the top and move the hand, lightly pressing down from the top - from the throat to the solar plexus 30 times.
5. Lying, moves in and inflate the abdomen as much as possible - 30 times. Breathing is arbitrary. All go stagnation in the digestive tract.
6. Lying on your back, slowly, inspiratory to tighten the chest, first the right knee - 15 times. Then the same - left.
7. The right hand on the solar plexus, left top, doing laps in the stomach forcefully clockwise - 30 times.
8. legs extended, hands on his head, breath - lift your legs over your head, exhale - lower. Do you need 10 times. It improves male potency and digestion. Very useful for the spine.
9. Sit on the edge of the bed, eyes open, put your left foot on the right knee, the knuckles of the fingers rub notch on the foot 30 times. The same with the right foot. It stimulates all the organs.
10. Sitting, put his head on his right hand, left hand on top and slide, pushing, side to side 15 times.
After the gym, drink half a cup of warm water (preferably 1-2 glasses of normal room temperature).
Remember that everything you do, got to do with pleasure, or not do it at all.
This exercise will allow your body to wake up, energize for the day and help get rid of all sorts of ailments!