How to get rid of negative thoughts?

1) Technology - cutting
Once you feel that your consciousness crept negative thought, simply cut it. No need to analyze it, do not argue with her, do not defend themselves against it - just cut it by itself and in its place put that - something else. And the key principle here, you should do so immediately, at the very moment, once felt that same thought.
2) Equipment - Label (which we stuck to anything)
This technique differs from the first, it is that in a place that would get rid of, to cut off this idea, we distance ourselves from it and watch from the sidelines. We see it from the outside, but do not let it master us. You can say to yourself, "What's happening to me?" - Came to me right now is such a thought, but you call it, as it were in quotation marks, thereby determining its place. And just watching her.
Negative thoughts have power over you only if you respond to them.
3) Machinery - Exaggeration
As soon as you find yourself in a negative thought, you have to exaggerate it to the absurd. Here, the key point to make it funny. You have to catch yourself in a negative thought, you know that the consciousness of the great deceiver. You know - every day it tries to play with you some fun. You're observant. Have you noticed it. And you decide to resort to the technique of exaggeration. You have to say really, I can not sell anything, you can say to yourself, well, that remains to do, maybe I'll call you or come to this man and open the door, and suddenly there appears a mechanical cam, and any robot comes out and crack me with all his strength, and then a crowd of people come running with water, and I will be watered. And then I get hurt, I'll be all wet and beaten up ... then they set on my Shepherd ... and now I'm all wet, all bitten ... but not enough, I will return to my office, and all the staff will post signs with the words, You're an idiot Why did you come back ??? This is absurd, but that is what helps deprive negative thought forces. Because negative thoughts have power over you only if you respond to them.
4) Equipment - Opposition
All - that tells us a negative thought, we must turn to the exact opposite. As soon as you got the idea, "I will not be able to make a sale," you have to put in its place it is completely contrary to the idea. That I certainly will be able to make a sale. If you have a thought, "I would not be able to achieve financial success", you should immediately respond to the exact opposite, and say to yourself, "I'm sure I will achieve huge financial success." As soon as the thought came, "I do not for that no good, I'm not good for anything," you say to yourself "I can do anything, I'm a very unusual man." Absolutely impossible - at the same time to think about the negative and positive, while consciousness can think of one thing, if you throw out of his negative thoughts and put a positive, negative thought you deprive of power.
Getting rid of the negative thoughts into practice, how to apply the technology.
These four techniques you can try to work with them, as well as a boxer, boxing with his opponent. The next time you come to a negative thought, you can first hit it first technique, then a couple of second, and perhaps inflict 2 hit the third, and then add the 4th. You can experiment with these techniques and choose the one that you will like. Some people like one, some the other. Most importantly - do not let the great deceiver-control. Those who are engaged in the power of consciousness, must learn to own, control their minds.