How to achieve a royal posture?

The first rule.
Always and under all circumstances "hold back." The back should be straight, and when you go and when you are sitting. Straight back - a symbol of peace of mind, bent - testifies to the decline of vitality. To feel like a queen with a majestic bearing, quite a few minutes to stand, leaning against the wall of neck, calves, buttocks and all plane blades. With this in mind the situation, try to save him, and while walking.

The second rule.
Unfold the shoulders and pulling down the blade. Do not hesitate to her breast: whatever size it is, it must be shown. Now popytaytaysya be a gray imperceptible mouse - lowered his head and look at the floor utkni. Will not work! Correct posture obliges to walk with head held high.

The third rule.
Do not bend at the waist. "Senile" posture contributes to a sedentary lifestyle. If you try to stand up from a chair, without changing the slope of the waist, in the mirror is just an old woman and see. Recently released a special seat designed just for the fact that the body was in a position of maximum rectified.

The fourth rule.
Gait should be light. "Grace hippopotamus" - every step, a small earthquake - will not do. A heavy, bulky gait is reflected not only in the joints but also the condition of the shoe. Do not think that completeness invariably involves heaviness. Remember how Anna Karenina combined charming fullness of the body and grace of every movement. To avoid perevalivaniya from foot to foot, mannequins are taught to put the foot on the same line. This walking "on a thread 'besides underlines smooth and slow rocking hips. It was smooth, like a pendulum - left, right ... Especially as cool hips should not be, it looks vulgar.

The fifth rule.
When moving the shoulders exactly swim forward. The future officers of the tsarist army in the schools "put" military bearing as follows: tied to the back of the long line and placed in a cardboard stand on the shoulder straps cups of water, which could not spill when walking. At home, you can walk instead of glasses with a book on his head. Incidentally, this strengthens the neck muscles, eliminates the double chin and gives head haughty landing.

The sixth rule.
Step should be broad, sure, but with a sock. If we are to achieve really soft run, proudly and openly carrying his body forward, then load from the heel should be moved to another part of the foot - closer to the toe. This will help you to the best high heels. It is in the measure, as equally very tall hairpins and footwear in general without a heel do female gait unnatural.

The seventh rule.
Remember the scene from the movie "Office Romance" - "All in yourself!" Belly absorb, buttocks tighten. One secret - "absorb" the stomach is easier to empty stomach. No sense of overeating in general contributes to the ease throughout the body and flying, not burdened with unnecessary calories, walk.

The eighth rule.
Do not be shy. Often the cause stoop that walking queen and look people straight in the eye is very difficult psychologically. It is easier to hide, to press his head into his shoulders and did not attract too much attention. Only the proud posture, straight with a slight challenge to look and absolute confidence in every movement will not allow surrounding to notice torn stockings, old-fashioned handbag, high growth or ... what else do you hesitate there?

The ninth rule.
Know how to wear clothes. The gait depends on the mood, environment, clothes and even hairstyles. The hair gathered in a heavy knot at the back of his head, his head involuntarily pulled back a little, at the same time straightening his shoulders and spine. Easy "streaming" cloth skirt, coat makes a move like flying smoothly flow around the figure in front of it in the most advantageous locations.

The tenth rule.
Not only the look, but also to be a queen. Only the self-respect and self-esteem, coming from within, able to make royal to become your permanent state.